Hi all,
I was very happy to have found what (I think) is an incredible set of memorabilia after a Polish soldier. Huge thanks to forum member Andrzejeku98 for looking up details for me.
Kapitan (Captain) Stanislaw Smierzchalski was awarded the Monte Cassino Cross on 10th April 1945. He was a doctor in the 161 Military Hospital at Cambopasso. Stanislaw Smierzchalski was born on the 14th November 1896 and was promoted to Porucznik (first Lieutenant) on the 2nd January 1932.
This set comprises the Monte Cassino Cross with award, the patches from Kpt. Smierzchalski's uniform, the unit badge of the 2 Korpus Polski (Polish II Corps), as well as a set of decorations awarded to him by the Britsh government, comrising the 1939-1945 Star, the Italy Star and the Defence medal, along with the original box they were sent in (as well as the envelopes).
I will post the British awards in the appropriate forums as well, but thought they would be good here also, as the complete set.
All up, I feel honoured to have these items, and will try to get more information on Kpt Smierzchalski.
Entire set
Monte Cassino Cross
2 Korpus Polski badge
Uniform patches
British set
1939-1945 Star
Italy Star
Defence Medal