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PAF Questions

Article about: . . . moved from pre-war forum: by ferteixe First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Fernando and I am brazilian (so forgive me about my miswriting in english) and a great RAF enthu

  1. #1

    Default PAF Questions

    . . . moved from pre-war forum:

    Quote by ferteixe View Post
    First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Fernando and I am brazilian (so forgive me about my miswriting in english) and a great RAF enthusiast and a reenactor as well.

    Few days ago, I have bought a polish badge. I would like to know if this badge is ww2 era and if it refers to a pilot cap badge. Please, take look at the photos below.

    By the way, i have some doubts and i really apreciatte any help regarding to polish-raf insignias and badges.
    I have seen some pictures on the web (real and from reenactors), but some of them are so different from each other that i got confused. Then, I am going to list my doubsts here:

    1) I have seen some pictures of polish flight sergeant wearing peaked caps instead of field service cap. Was this allowed to no-officers? And what was the correct cap badge for a polish flight sergeant and for a officer?

    2) Was common to ww2 polish pilots wear the RAF mini-wings above the right breast pocket?

    3) About the arms insignia, what standard was corret? I have seen many pictures. Some of them, there are only the eagles shoulders patchs and the sergeant stripes. In others, is added the polish titles. Others there are only the polish titles and the stripes. And about the crow, some of them are in brass and others are in chrome metal.

    I really apreciatte any help, by indicating sources, posting photos, tips, etc.
    Thank you in advance.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  2. #2

    Default Re: PAF Questions

    oops - forgot to add the air force badge Fernando's posted, to which 3mk responded:

    Quote by 3mk View Post
    Hey Fernando and welcome to the forum!
    Sorry I cant help you with your questions as I dont know the answers to them but I can tell you that your badge is a modern Polish Airforce Pilots badge.
    Attached Images Attached Images PAF Questions  PAF Questions 
    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

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