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Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum

Article about: Hi Guys, I was just going through my photos (looking for something else as you do) and saw these, so I thought that I would post them up for your enjoyment. These pics were taken in 2004 dur

  1. #1

    Default Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum

    Hi Guys, I was just going through my photos (looking for something else as you do) and saw these, so I thought that I would post them up for your enjoyment.

    These pics were taken in 2004 during the 60th Anniversary celebrations. I don't know if all these items are still on display now since the Museum's hated revamp?

    The helmet we have spoken about elsewhere on the forum. The feeling is this one may really dated from the Brigades time in Germany during the Occupation 1945/46.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum   Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum  

    Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum   Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum  

    Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum   Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum  

    Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum   Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum  

    Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum

    Know the displays well

    I wonder now the "new Hartenstein" has opened, if these displays are even on show !

    Gary J.

    (Note the "custom" workshop parachutes on the greatcoat collars !!)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum

    Wow !!

    I can imagine the thought running through the mind of everyone of us who views those images...

    "Man...I'd like to have those in my collection !!"

    Thanks for showing those !!


  4. #4

    Default Re: Polish Airborne items from the Hartenstien Airborne Museum

    all gone

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