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Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay

Article about: On Ebay for Sale now. Big opening bid. But, there is something wrong with this.... Who can point out why this Para badge is fake ?

  1. #1

    Default Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay

    On Ebay for Sale now. Big opening bid. But, there is something wrong with this.... Who can point out why this Para badge is fake ?

    Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay
    Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay
    Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay
    Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay

  2. #2


    Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay
    ]Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay  

  3. #3


    numbers? those on wreath are odd.

  4. #4


    A quiz? I like quizzes . . . Plenty wrong here. Simon is correct about the number font on the combat wreath. Totally wrong. So is the numbering on the badge. The wreath is also not faithfully copied, in particular where the solder joint is made. And then there’s the solder joint itself. Nothing like what’s seen on a genuine badge. A stinker all the way around, but a clever enough fake to remain dangerous to the unwary.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  5. #5


    A.J. & Krakow, you guys seem to know a thing or two about the Polish Para Badges; how about putting a quick tutorial for the rest of us, so that we don't get duped into buying a fake. A few pointers/pics as to what the original should look like and the most obvious areas to identify a counterfeit.

  6. #6


    Hi Greg,


    • Study the genuine examples posted on this forum and elsewhere.
    • Read what other collectors are saying.
    • Get thoroughly familiar with what details to look for.

    Unfortunately there are no short cuts or magic pills to gain the knowledge necessary. My earlier post identifies two things to study. There are more, but these are a good start. The next step is to use the forum search engine to find pictures and previous discussions here. Learning will require that you invest time and effort. But once you’ve put in the work the counterfeits will not fool you.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Radomiak, Tony 's advice is great. There are plenty of threads with Polish Parachute badge on the Forum. Years ago we did not have that...
    And yes there are more things wrong with the Badge, it should be not a late broken wing Kirkwood, ... but all that is explained in the Threads.
    Last edited by Krakow1; 09-19-2018 at 12:46 AM.

  9. #9


    Also the numbers on the wreath are stamped in a wrong place.

  10. #10


    Hello Everyone

    In my archive auction:

    Polish Combat Paratrooper Badge on Ebay
    Polish beret.

    Best wishes


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