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Polish Medal with 3 bars

Article about: Hello everyone. I have a Monte Casino Cross and I obtained this combat medal with the bars and I was just wondering if medals with all these bars are a rare find. I could not locate another

  1. #1

    Default Polish Medal with 3 bars

    Hello everyone.

    I have a Monte Casino Cross and I obtained this combat medal with the bars and I was just wondering if medals with all these bars are a rare find.

    I could not locate another one similar.

    I appreciate any insight into this.

    Thank you for your time and insight. Polish Medal with 3 bars

  2. #2


    Hi OrllinII

    I have one which shows the same bars, mine is from a collection awarded to Piotr Paulinski who served in the 11th Signals Battalion of the 2nd Polish Corps in Italy so could be from the same Unit?

    Polish Medal with 3 bars
    Polish Medal with 3 bars

    Hope that helps.
    Rise & ReverberateGib mir wieder etwas Schönes

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