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Polish POWs 1939 to 1941

Article about: Hi guys, Maybe this is an easy questions to answer. My grandfather was captured by the Russian Army around September 1939 in Janowa (Kostopol District, Wolyn County) and was deported to Russ

  1. #1

    Question Polish POWs 1939 to 1941

    Hi guys,

    Maybe this is an easy questions to answer. My grandfather was captured by the Russian Army around September 1939 in Janowa (Kostopol District, Wolyn County) and was deported to Russia in 1941. On the basis of the Sikorski-Maisky agreement, he was released on the purpose of joining the Polish Armed Forces in 1941.

    I am trying to find out what had happened to him during his imprisonment in Poland and Russia and where he was held. He had told me that the Russians torched him badly and wanted him to renounce his religion, nationality and join the Red Army.

    In his Polish/British military records, it states that there is no information about where he was held.

    Sorry if it sounds naive but would Russia hold any records of their POWs and would it be worth a try in contacting them?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Polish POWs 1939 to 1941

    First try running the family surname through the list of the deported ..

    Index of Victims of Soviet Repression

    Gary J.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Polish POWs 1939 to 1941

    Thank you for the information Gary J. Unfortunately he is not on the list, but thank you for telling me about it.

    Found this out;-

    Persons wishing to trace ancestors who were POWs following the Polish 1939 Campaign should write to:

    Central Museum of POWs in Łambinowice
    ul. Minorytów 3
    45-019 Opole
    Last edited by 3342dxcv4; 08-16-2011 at 05:34 PM.

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