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Polish Soldier

Article about: Hello, I am carrying out some research for a friend. She is a relative of the man shown on this identity card. I would like to know if anyone can help with identifying the unit that is descr

  1. #1

    Default Polish Soldier


    I am carrying out some research for a friend. She is a relative of the man shown on this identity card. I would like to know if anyone can help with identifying the unit that is described on the card. Also the card is marked Polish army of the East, yet the holder was in England during the war, is there an explanation for this please.


    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish Soldier   Polish Soldier  

  2. #2



    This is a drivers license for military vehicles, this one is for a truck. It was given to a Private Stanislaw Sowinski who attended a school for military drivers for II Polish Corps. They might have used old blank permit, II Corps came from the East. It is not specified where the training took place, it only says M.P. which stands for "Miejsce Postoju" which means current location. Dated 24 October 1945.
    Are there anymore documents ?

  3. #3



    Thank you for replying. Whilst I am interested in military history, my knowledge of the Polish Army is negligible, so you have been more than helpful. I am afraid that there are no documents regarding Private Sowinski. However, I have uploaded an image of him in Polish Army uniform. As you can see he is wearing the Polish War Medal and the British War Medal. I understand that the Polish medal could be awarded for 6 months operational or 12 months non-operational service. The British medal was awarded for at least 28 days operational service. The British 1939-45 Star was awarded for 6 months operational service. As Private Sowinski is not wearing the ribbon of the star, I therefore conclude that he had less that 6 months operational service, but at least 12 months non-operational service. Do you think this is a fair assumption. If you can pass any comment on the badge or collar flashes I would be grateful. I am going to colour the image if I can find out the colour of the uniform and the badge and flashes. The ribbon details I know. Thank you once again


    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish Soldier  

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