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Polish WW2 War Medal

Article about: not having any tomes on Polish medals etc. was there any co-relation between the geographical position of the manufacturer and the distribution area ? I am led to believe there were two type

  1. #1

    Default Polish WW2 War Medal

    not having any tomes on Polish medals etc. was there any co-relation between the geographical position of the manufacturer and the distribution area ? I am led to believe there were two types of the medal, one made in UK and the other the Middle East.

  2. #2
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Hey Prosty Zolnierz,
    These medals were made in 1945 so I would think that they were made in Britain and maybe Italy,Not sure though

  3. #3

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Quote by prosty zolnierz View Post
    not having any tomes on Polish medals etc. was there any co-relation between the geographical position of the manufacturer and the distribution area ? I am led to believe there were two types of the medal, one made in UK and the other the Middle East.
    It’s a good question, to which I don’t have a definite answer. It does seem to make sense that the medals would have been distributed to Polish veterans located near the area of manufacture. These medals were made in Britain, France and Switzerland. The French and Swiss versions of the medal are scarce, which is consistent with the population of veterans that would have remained after the war in those general geographic areas. Is there a possible connection?

    The most common version is the British one, and the majority of the Polish servicemen did find themselves in the UK at the time of demobilization. Oddly enough, there was no Italian producer that I am aware of. I am unaware of a Middle East made version. I did once somewhere see a picture of another distinctly different variant but have yet to encounter it on the market. I’ll try to track down an image.

    Pictured below is a small frame (posted previously elsewhere on the forum) that holds the various types.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish WW2 War Medal  

  4. #4

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Bob's your uncle ! thanks chaps

  5. #5
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Hey Tony,
    Nice display even though Ive already seen it but this time it looked better

    I have 1 question though,How was this medal awarded to more then once to 1 person?I know its for serving in the war but why was the person awarded it more then once??


  6. #6

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    yeah ! poor British only got their BWM once

  7. #7

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Quote by 3mk View Post
    . . . How was this medal awarded to more then once to 1 person? I know its for serving in the war but why was the person awarded it more then once??
    Good question Emil. An off the cuff answer as I am away at present from my reference materials. Please don’t quote me on this, but I recall reading somewhere that recipients (officers) were entitled to an additional bar onto their medals for each additional 6 months of post war service. This applied to the Army, Navy and Air Force branches of the military.


  8. #8
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Thanks Tony

  9. #9

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    In a short time since I started to “collect” militaries I have learn a lot about it. Im going to post few pages in polish about new medals given in 1945
    Army Medal
    Medal could be given:
    as made in time of war an act of particular benefit to bringing the troops land, and beyond the normal duties

    to be particularly conscientious service in time of war

    In the case of giving a medal to be particularly conscientious service provided it was giving a course of service:

    by granting the first time - to be particularly conscientious service without interruption 6 months in the unit involved in the fight against the enemy in the operational area

    for further awards - the double periods of service provided for the first assignment

    Period of service was calculated from 1 September 1939.

    Medal could be attributed to the same person four times. Was transmitted by the President in Exile, who in September 1945 authorized to award the medal:

    In order medals and decorations, take first place after the Cross of Merit with swords, and in front of the Cross of Merit. (December 1945)
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish WW2 War Medal   Polish WW2 War Medal  

    Polish WW2 War Medal  

  10. #10
    ccj is offline

    Default Re: Polish WW2 War Medal

    Very good thread. My question was both asked and answered before I got time to ask.

    It seems odd to give bars but I suppose it make sence. I would think they should have been issued a device for various campaigns.

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