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Polish WW2 Web resources

Article about: Websites of interest concerning Polish WW2 Forces. ______________________________________________ 1) An ongoing database of Polish troops killed in WW2. Fallen Soldiers 1 ___________________

  1. #1

    Exclamation Polish WW2 Web resources

    Websites of interest concerning Polish WW2 Forces.
    1) An ongoing database of Polish troops killed in WW2.

    Fallen Soldiers 1
    2) A site dedicated to the Poles deported to Siberia from 1940,
    of whom many ended up in the Polish 2nd Corp.


    And the new "virtual museum".
    3) An overview of the Polish Forces in Exile.
    4) A site dedicated to the Poles who ended up in Scotland from 1940
    5) A site dedicated to the Sosabowski Family.
    6) Polish Exile displaced persons resettlement camps (UK)
    7) Polish Medals.
    8) Lance pennons of the Polish Army.
    9) The 1st Polish Motor Ambulance Convoy (Scotland)
    (Great Musical introduction !)
    10) The Cichociemni (Polish SOE).
    (The site is in Polish, but an auto translate is availble through using google search)
    11) The Polish 1st Armoured Division.
    (The website is in French, but there's some excellent images of militaria there)
    12) Polish Airforce Operations Record books 1940 -1947
    13) A breakdown of the 3rd Carpathian division ((3DSK)) in Polish.
    14) A breakdown of Polish forces post 1939 invasion (In polish).
    15) "Karta" .. Index of some of the Poles deported to the Soviet Union.
    (A search engine which enables you to search the index of names of Deported Poles)
    16) The Driel - Poland society.
    A society formed from the village and surrounding area of Driel (Arnhem) to commemorate the close friendship formed by the local inhabitants with the Polish Paratroopers and their families in gratitude of their Liberation in 1944.
    17) Polish site listing some excellent resources ..
    (Including some in depth site links of interest)

    18) List of the recipients of the VM

    19) Polish Generals

    20) The Polish Underground Studies Trust. (London)

    Last edited by Gary J; 01-15-2010 at 05:53 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    Hello Gary,
    I know very well the number 11...
    I know also other links. Good idea to propose links from websites about polish forces !

  3. #3

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    Please feel free to add any websites that might be of interest


    Gary J.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    I can propose above all websites in french language, but possible to have them translated with Internet :

    Armée polonaise - Accueil (Armée polonaise)
    (all units and all periods for polish army)

    About the 1rst pol arm div :
    Staff-Sergeant Zygmunt Sawicki,Traffic Control Squad.
    (about a soldier of the trafic control squadron)

    Nouvelle page 1
    (about a 9th batallion soldier)

    Captain Kazimierz DUDA's web site - 1st Polish Armoured Division - WW2
    (about a CKM officer)

    premire division blinde polonaise
    (about a Podhale officer, DSO)

    Album photos de la 1ère D.B. Polonaise du Général Maczek
    (pictures from the Division)

    In english :
    Polish War Graves
    (all the polish war Graves, great website made by Jos van Alphen)


  5. #5

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    UNRRA Team's work in Germany after WW2

    (about the UNRRA, made by Gilles Lapers, from Belgium)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    It should be interesting for you:

    Secret Operations of Polish Officers in London - Project Eagle

    WW II US archive movie saying about Polish special agents trained by OSS.

    The soldiers mentioned in the movie were mainly previous soldiers from Independent Grenadier Company (Samodzielna Kompania Grenadierow - SKG).

    Maj. Szymanowski was last commander of SKG.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    Dear Gary, i just wanted share with you and fellow collectors a contact i have made through some of my research. Im sure many other sons of Genreal Anders Army may be bereft of their family history. (It never semed an issue when they were alive). She doesnt charge and is brilliantly helpful.

    Aleksandra Cieślikowa []

    The Anthroponymic Centre in the Polish Language Institute, where I am the manageress, has never been engaged in doing genealogical research of particular people or families. We couldn’t do it as in our Institute there is no documental material that could enable us to do such a work. As linguists and not genealogists we can help our correspondents in following matters:

    a. in letting them know the proper spelling of the very often deformed Polish surnames.

    b. in explanation of the structure and meaning of a Polish family name formed in the moment in which a particular name had been given to its first bearer.

    c. in explanation of proper spelling and localization of the localities quoted by a correspondent.

    d. in giving the information about how many people, of the same surname, live in the present-day Poland and in which provinces of it they reside now. Alas, no addresses and other personal data have been published anywhere. Such data are protected with us by law and cannot be revealed without approval of the involved person.

    Warmest regards Rob

  8. #8

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    One of my friends from Belgium has created a blog to get all the possible pictures of polish monuments about the Liberation.

    Monuments Polonais WW2

    Contact him to help him if you can !

  9. #9

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    I sent Gilles some photos of this new Polish Armed Forces Memorial

    Polish Forces Memorial
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Polish WW2 Web resources   Polish WW2 Web resources  

    Polish WW2 Web resources   Polish WW2 Web resources  

    Polish WW2 Web resources  

  10. #10

    Default Re: Polish WW2 Web resources

    Quote by ze-pole View Post
    One of my friends from Belgium has created a blog to get all the possible pictures of polish monuments about the Liberation.

    Monuments Polonais WW2

    Contact him to help him if you can !
    The 70th anniversary of the Dieppe Raid has just passed. I was looking at the link to Monuments Polonais WW2 and came across a monument that mentions the Dieppe Raid. Were Poles involved? There is a reference to Polish airmen on the monument as well as an insignia that I don't know.

    Polish WW2 Web resources

    As a Canadian, the Dieppe Raid was a sacrifice (and controversy) known to those who are interested in Canadian military history. But I was unaware of any Polish involvement. Can anyone enlighten me?

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