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A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division

Article about: Hi, I am looking for information about the military career of my Grandfather's Wife. At the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, he was a member of the Polish Army. Afterwards, I know

  1. #1

    Default A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division


    I am looking for information about the military career of my Grandfather's Wife. At the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, he was a member of the Polish Army. Afterwards, I know that he joined the 1st Polish Armoured Division and fought with the Allies in the Netherlands (1944). I have not a lot information about him.
    Here is all that I have:

    - name: Czech

    - first name: Jan

    - army number: 5232

    - rank: cpl.

    - unit: 1st Polish Armoured Division

    - date of birth: January 1910

    Some pictures of his PAY BOOK

    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division

    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured divisionA soldier of the 1st polish armoured division

    Some pictures of his dog tags; insignas and shoulder straps.
    Can you give me some info regarding these items? Thanks.

    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division
    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division
    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division
    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division
    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division
    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division

    A photo of his medals and Battledress patche. The ribbons of the medals have got mixed up though. The 39/45 Star and Defence Medal ribbons should be changed over.

    A soldier of the 1st polish armoured division

    Thanks for your help,


  2. #2


    Welcome aboard Richard
    Hopefully some more details can be found here by the forum members ..


    Gary J.

  3. #3


    Quote by Gary J View Post
    Welcome aboard Richard
    Hopefully some more details can be found here by the forum members ..


    Gary J.

    Thanks for your welcome.


  4. #4


    Have a look through some of the previous posts in the Polish section using the forum search engine.
    I'm sure there will be some threads of interest.


    Gary J.

  5. #5


    Sure the was a post on this forum to give address to contact in order to get informations about the soldiers from Free Polish Forces.

    I have this address :

    Ministry of Defence
    APC Polish Enquiries
    Building 28 B, RAF Northolt
    West End Road
    Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 6NG

    Perhaps a better address to be proposed by other members of the forum ?

    The breast badge is for the 10th PSK (10th Mounted Rifles Regiment)
    A great thing to have the items from the military past of the member of his family !

  6. #6



    Thanks for those informations. I will write at the address that you gave me.
    However, I have to find the dead certificate of my wife's grandfather to prove that he died twenty years ago.



  7. #7


    Very nice group! Thank you for sharing

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