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Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

Article about: Gentlemen I have just acquired this group that belonged to a Bronislaw Golas. This all comes together from his niece so I am assuming that the flashes, 2 Korpus and medals are correct but ho

  1. #1

    Question Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group


    I have just acquired this group that belonged to a Bronislaw Golas. This all comes together from his niece so I am assuming that the flashes, 2 Korpus and medals are correct but how can I verify that. I have his pay book which indicates that he was borne 26 Jan 1912, enlisted on or before 22 Jan 1943. His service number seems to have been 80/G/1912/III and then changed to 30046460. The pay book does not indicate the unit. The 2nd Warszawski Armoured Division arm flash has a blue stripe below. What does that indicate?

    The Monte Cassino cross is numbered 22481. With this information is it possible to verify if this is a correct group?

    Also in the pay book you can see that some information has been censured out. What is the reason for this? Place or birth and parents nationality. Was this for security in case of capture?

    Many thanks for your help.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group   Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group  

    Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    Hi James,

    The coloured flash below the 2nd Armoured Division patch denotes z Pulku 6 Pancernego "Dz. Lwow", 2 Brygada Pancerna (6th "Children of Lwow Armoured Regiment) 2nd Armoured Brigade later 2nd Warsaw Armoured Division.

    The Number: 30046460 in Bronislaw's AB64 denotes his Polish Resettlement Corps Number.

    Bronislaw whilst serving in the 6th Armoured Regiment when awarded the Monte Cassino Cross his entry appears as follows:

    Panc. Golas Bronislaw 1912/80/III Monte Cassino Cross Number: 30519.

    When these items came up for sale on Ebay, I did contact the seller Decoys123, I provided him with all the information on who was awarded the Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 22481, the reply that I received is as follows: "Now what do I do if this information is correct I will have to change my listing". which he never did.

    The Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 22481 was awarded to:

    Rank: Kanonier

    Surname: REKOWSKI

    Christian Name: Franciszek

    Date of Birth: 1917

    Army Number: 1917/103/III

    Unit: z 5 Pulku Artyleri i Ppanc (5th Kresowa Division Anti Tank Artillery Regiment)

    I do not know what more I can say.

    Best wishes


  3. #3

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    Hi Andrzejku
    Thank you very much for this information. So the group is totally false and neither Bronislaw or Rekowski won the valour cross. As the guy knew he was selling a bogus group I think I'll ask for my money back.
    Very many thanks for your help and the information you have provided.
    All the best

  4. #4

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    I can shed a little more information about panc. Bronislaw Golas:
    Born in 1912 in Zbarazu - a town in the Tarnopol district of Poland (today Ukraine). Served as a private (szer.) during the September Campaign in the 52pp (infantry regiment). Captured by Soviets 18 IX 1939. Prisoner camp in Kamieniec Podol, Rowne-Lwow. Joined the Polish Army in the USSR (Tockoj) 2 IX 1941. Joined 6 pulk "Dz.Lwowskich" Fought at Piedemonte. During battle in ppor. W. Nowak's tank 2 squad; later 3rd squad.

    The 2nd Warszawski Armoured Division arm flash has a blue stripe below. What does that indicate?

    The blue stripe designates the 6 Dzieci Lwowskich Regiment. A red stripe denotes the 4th "Scorpion" Regiment, and a yellow stripe the 1 Pulk Ulanow Krechowieckich, all aroumred regiments. It appears as though your insignia is on a tropical backing

    Also in the pay book you can see that some information has been censured out. What is the reason for this? Place or birth and parents nationality. Was this for security in case of capture?

    I have a number of paybooks that have been "censored" in a similar way. I presume this was done to protect personal information (i.e. parents name, place of birth, religious denomination etc.)

    Its an interesting lot, too bad about the mix-up with the medals. I was unable to locate any information about panc. Golas having received a Cross of Valour (KW).
    Hope this helps.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    You are absolutely magnificent. Thank you so much for spending so much time on this for me. Greatly appreciated. A lot of good learning on so many levels.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross groupHello all: I am new to this site. I recently had my father's medals mounted into a shadowbox. I'm quite pleased with it even though I now know there is an error in how the arm flash is placed. I believe he may be missing some medals. Any suggestions on who to contact about this?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    Hi wayupnorth,
    I notice your father's display includes a 4PP "skorpion" collar Pennon? What was his name, I can look him up in the regiments service men's list as this will have his awards. I also notice your 2nd Warsaw Armoured Division arm flash looks like it has a blue stripe below the armoured fist, this is from the 6 Dzieci Lwowskich Regiment whereas the 4th "Skorpion" should have a red stripe? Did you father transfer at some point?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    thanks for the quick reply, 4th. My father was Josef Solski. I didn't know that he had potentially transferred. Perhaps you can tell me what you find. I know he began in Iran and Iraq and finished the war in Italy. I have thought he should have a campaign medal of some sort for the Middle East. He fought at Monte Cassino which I visited this year with my wife. He ended up in England for 3 years after the war then settled in Canada. I live in the Canadian Arctic, hence the name. Thanks again for your help

  9. #9

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    Hi WayupNorth
    A very nice collection from your father. I think the British medals are complete (the 4 on the right in your frame - 39-45 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal and British War Medal) There wasn't a campaign medal for the Middle East. As you probably know the rest are Polish.

    You say your Dad "began in Iran & Iraq" which suggests you don't know about his "journey" from Poland to Iran. You must read An Army in Exile: The Story of the Second Polish Corps by General Wladyslaw Anders. It gives a fascinating account of the terrible journey for hundreds of thousands of Poles both military and civilian from the time of the German/Russian invasion of Poland in 1939 till the evacuation of the Poles from the USSR to the Middle East.

    All he best


  10. #10

    Default Re: Valour Cross and Monte Cassino Cross group

    Hello Wayupnorth,

    Welcome to the Forum, from the Monte Cassino Cross Recipients I was able to glean the following information on your Father:

    Rank: Kapral (Corporal)

    Surname: SOLSKI

    Christian Name: Jozef

    Date of Birth: 1919

    Army Number (also found on his ID Tags): 1919/319/III

    Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 30840

    Unit: z Pulku 6 Pancernego (6th Armoured Regiment (Children of Lwow), 2nd Armoured Brigade (later Division).

    Unfortunately I could not find him listed in 4Ppanc. (4th Armoured Regiment).

    I hope that the above helps a little.

    Best wishes


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