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Virtuti Militari information

Article about: Hello all, First time post. I'm currently involved in researching my grandfather , Ryszard Winowski. He fought at Monte casino with the 5th kresowa infantry , 15 th rifle. From what I unders

  1. #1

    Default Virtuti Militari information

    Hello all,

    First time post. I'm currently involved in researching my grandfather , Ryszard Winowski. He fought at Monte casino with the 5th kresowa infantry , 15 th rifle. From what I understand he was part of the 4th battle/ phantom ridge. For his actions he received some medals among which are the Polonia Restituta and the Virtuti Militari.....I'm having difficulty locating what exactly his actions were to earn these medals. I received a large packet of information from the MOD but it contains nothing as to what particular actions he displayed. There is a photocopy in his packet of what looks like an id card for his Virtuti Militari . There is what appears to be an id# of 11659 in the top right corner next to the words "Nr. Krzyza"

    Can anybody here help me or guide me in the right direction to find the detailed information ?

    Thank you all,

    Joseph R. Winowski

  2. #2


    Hello Joseph,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the Forum, you are correct that your Grandfather was awarded the Silver Virtuti Militari Cross Numbered 11659, with regards to the award of this the PISM in London (Polish Institute and General Sikorski Museum) have the original recommendation for the Virtuti Militari awarded during WW2.

    If not planning to visit them they charge £25.00p for upto a 2 hour search with no guarantee of finding anything, this is because it is run as a charity, but there are only 2 members of Staff working in the Archives. A reply could take upto 6 months.

    I had a quick look through the Monte Cassino Cross Recipients for the 15 Rifle Battalion, but could not find your Grandfather listed, by chance to you happen to know the Number of His Monte Cassino Cross it will be on the reverse of the Cross.

    With regards to the Order Odrodzenia Polski (more commonly known by its Motto Polonia Restituta) I would guess that this was a post war award made by the Polish Government in Exile in London.

    Would I be correct in thinking that the photo shown below is your Grandfather who is wearing both the Virtuti Militari and the Cross of Valour.

    Virtuti Militari information

    Best wishes


  3. #3



    First and foremost thank you for you prompt reply.

    The documents I received from MOD are about 50% English and 50% his native Polish. One of them appears to mention the 15th but it would not be out of the realm of possibility that I'm reading it wrong. In one document it shows a correspondence from him to the MOD seeking his war records. He mentions in English being part of the "15th Wolves." The original Virtuti Militari was donated back to a Polish War Museum in Poland with numerous other relics so I do not have the actual medal to refer to for the number which complicates things slightly.

    I will assuredly be reaching out the Sikorski Museum, as I live in the United States I will not be visiting in the near future but will take a shot at having them search.

    The photo you posted is one of my favorites of him. I'm sure that both medals you speak of are accurate although I have no physical medals to refer to besides his unclaimed King George Medal forwarded to me by the MOD.

    Thank you again for your help now and any help moving forward.


    Joseph R. Winowski

  4. #4


    Hello Joseph,

    Many thanks for your quick reply also, I have attached the link for the PISM below which if you click on it will explain everything for you.

    Postal Enquiries

    The King George Medal to give its correct title is the : 1939-1945 War Medal.

    Joseph do you by chance have any of your Grandfathers Legitymacja (Authorisation Cards), which would have been given to him for his service, I have taken the opportunity to post a few below for you to refer to, I hope that it helps you.

    Virtuti Militari information

    2nd Corps Badge Legitymacja cover.

    Virtuti Militari information

    15th Rifle Battalion British Awards Legitymacja cover.

    Virtuti Militari information

    5th Kresowa (Frontier Infantry Division Badge Legitymacja cover.

    Virtuti Militari information

    Monte Cassino Cross Legitymacja cover.

    Virtuti Militari information

    The Order Virtuti Militari Legitymacja cover.

    Virtuti Militari information

    Cross of Valour Legitymacja.

    I hope that the above are of some use and help to you Joseph

    Best wishes


  5. #5


    dar Winowskiego

    At some point Major Winowski donated the above Militaria to Polish Museum. Some great items there.

  6. #6


    Yes, definitely some very impressive pieces donated to the MWP. Here's the list in case the link dies:

    dar Winowskiego

    Major Ryszard Winowski zamieszkaly w Stanach Zjednoczonych ofiarowal do Muzeum Wojska Polskiego w Warszawie niezwykly dar pamiatek okolo 100 eksponatow z okresu walk w kampanii wloskiej 1944-45.
    Byly to mundury, helmy, wyposazenie wojskowe, sztandary, uzbrojenie, bron sieczna, bron drzewcowa, sprzet wojskowy, amunicja, bagnety, obrazy, dyplomy, pamiatki, albumy, archiwalia, ksiazki, i inne.

    Rzadkim eksponatem jest chusteczka zabarwiona od krwi na czerwono ktora Winowski tamowal krew gdy zostal ranny w brzuch w czasie walk we Wloszech w bitwie o Ankone.

    Ryszard Winowski ofiarowal miedzy innymi:

    •wlasny mundur bojowy i wyjsciowym,
    •helm angielski,
    •helm niemiecki,
    •helm francuski,
    •helm amerykanski,
    •helm wloski,
    •wyposazenie: mlotek i kielnia z budowy Cmentarza na Monte Cassino,
    •ladownica do CKM,
    •celownik do KB-M1 z granatem
    •sztandar z 1931 roku - Armia Hallera,
    •sztandar kola SPK,
    •proporzec z czolgu kpt. Tybinki,
    •CKM Browning z pomnika czolgu na Monte Cassino,
    •revolver Webley i koalicyjka kpt. Winowskiego,
    •karabin Mk2,
    •pistolet maszynowy Tommy - Gunn.
    •szabla polska,
    •szabla wz. 34.
    •wykrywacz min - kopl.
    •radiostacja polowa,
    •aparat kierunkowy dla samolotow,
    •celownik PL-OT.
    •amunicja tasma niemiecka do MG,
    •amunicja tasma polska,
    •granaty Monte Cassino,
    •pocisk p. panc. amerykanski,
    •mina skaczaca amerykanska,
    •bomba wietnamska - 25-funtowa.
    •bagnet angielski,
    •bagnet wloski,
    •bagnet hiszpanski,
    •obraz bitwa pod Komorowem- J. Kossak,
    •obraz Bitwa pod Samosierra,
    •obraz Bitwa pod Boremlem- A. Molinari.
    •2 odlamki ze wzgorza 593 - Monte Cassino,
    •krzeslo z domku doktora, na ktorym siedzial Gen. Anders,
    •metalowa czesc z czesci pomnika na wzgorzu 593.
    •list Gen. Rajskiego,
    •niemiecka ulotka propagandowa,
    •ksiazka wraz z mapami dowodctwa niemieckiego - 1939,
    •atlas Geringa,
    •znak rospoznawczy z 5 DKP.
    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  7. #7


    The site also contains this brief but informative bio:

    Ryszard Winowski

    1924 -2002

    Major Ryszard Winowski urodzil sie 1924 r. we Lwowie na dawnych terenach Rzeczpospolitej Polski, tam tez uczeszczal do szkol. Ojciec Ryszarda pracowal w wojsku, w przedwojennej dwojce (wywiad).
    Po wybuchu wojny i po wkroczeniu Rosjan do Lwowa 24 wrzesnia 1939 r. zaczely sie natychmiast aresztowania polskiej inteligencji i wojskowych oraz wywozki w glab Rosji. Ojciec Ryszarda Winowskiego dostal sie w rece sowieckie i zostal zamordowany w Katyniu w randze kapitana.

    Ryszard Winowski wraz z grupa kolegow zaczeli organizowac opor przeciwko Sowietom. Jako 15 letni wowczas mlodzieniec Winowski zostaje aresztowany w Stanislawowie za napisanie wiersza o okupowaniu Polski przez wojska sowieckie.

    Osadzony w miejscowym wiezieniu, a potem postawiony przed sadem jako "szczegolnie niebezpieczny element przeciwko wladzy sowieckiej". Nastepnie zostaje skazany na 15 lat wiezienia z artykulu 54/10.

    19 marca 1940 r. wraz z innymi zostaje wywieziony do obozow pracy w ZSRR. Pociagiem w bydlecych wagonach jechal przez Bajkal. Wladywostok do Buchta Nachodka a dalej okretem do Oblasti Magadan na dalekiej polnocy (Workuta). Do lagrow dotarl 12 maja 1940. tam pracuje przy budowie lotniska i mostow.

    W lagrze spotyka m.in. pana Ozge - przedwojennego burmistrza miasta Stryj, pana Kima - rodzice jego mieli najwiekszy sklep muzyczny we Lwowie, oraz matke Trockiego, ktora zmarla na Magadanie.

    Porozumienie Sikorski-Majski otworzylo mozliwosci amnestii dla skazanych i wywiezionych w glab Zwiazku Sowieckiego. Winowski zostaje zwolniony w dniu 6 lub 7 grudnia 1940r i przewieziony statkiem do Wladywostoku a na poczatku 1941 r. przetransportowany dalej do Kazachstanu.

    Nastepnie Winowski dostaje sie do obozu szkoleniowego przyszlej armii Andersa.

    Po wyjsciu z Rosji z Drugim Korpusem poprzez Persje i Irak, walczy we Wloszech. Zostaje ciezko ranny pod Monte Casino. Po demobilizacji wraca do do Wielkiej Brytani.

    Nastepnie wyjezdza do Stanow Zjednoczonych gdzie aktywnie pracuje w organizacjach kombatanckich. Jest takze czlonkiem Komitetu Budowy Pomnika Katynskiego w New Jersey oraz Komitetu Budowy Pomnika gen. Andersa w Amerykanskiej Czestochowie.

    Zostal odznaczony wieloma orderami m.in. Virtuti Militari V klasy, Krzyzem Walecznych, oraz Polonia Restituta.

    Obecnie na emeryturze. Mieszka i czynnie bierze udzial w organizaacjach polonijnych w New Jersey.

    VIDEOFACT nagral z majorem Winowskim wielogodzinny wywiad i sfilmowal wiele malo znanych dokumentow historycznych w posiadaniu Ryszarda Winowskiego.
    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  8. #8


    Great thread!...

  9. #9


    Hello Joseph. My father passed away a few years ago, while I was going through some of his old documents I came across some items about your grandfather. It looks like they may have known each other, or were friends at some point. Here are some pictures of what he had (I'm not sure why they uploaded sideways):
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information
    Virtuti Militari information

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