Finding a relic helmet
Hi guys;
I am thinking of adding a relic grade helmet or two to my collection (preferably an SS). It seems they are now becoming much faked like the originals, and finding a true battlefield relic has become a mine field. Can anyone give me a contact to a reputable digger, finder in the East? I am very nervous with the thought of dealing with the averge Joe's out there. Thanks for the help!!!!
07-13-2009 04:20 AM
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Re: Finding a relic helmet
Sorry Todd I don't deal much in relics perhaps some of the members here know who to contact. Be very careful, a relic SS is the easiest to hide a fake decal, as the details can easily be destroyed, damaged and hidden by the aging process.
Re: Finding a relic helmet
I have a double decal camo relic lid for sale, found in Holland. Its a WH, but 100% good and original.
Re: Finding a relic helmet
i have 6 relics .5 SS ...1 heer.
might sell 1 SS.
all from DEMJANSK and all 1000% real
email fritztk@hotmail.co.uk
Re: Finding a relic helmet
Please post some of the relics, in particular the SS up, would love to see them.
Re: Finding a relic helmet
hi doug
how do i upload images ??
Re: Finding a relic helmet
this 1 SS DAS REICH ..from poltava .ukraine