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German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet

Article about: Hallo, I am new here and this is my first post, so forgive me if I posted this in the wrong topic. I saw a Spanish M26 sin ala helmet, original colour on the internet with remnants of a heer

  1. #1

    Default German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet

    I am new here and this is my first post, so forgive me if I posted this in the wrong topic.
    I saw a Spanish M26 sin ala helmet, original colour on the internet with remnants of a heer decall and I wondered if it is realistic to believe that there were Germans in the Spanish civil war putting such decalls on a Spanish helmet. I took the picture directly form my screen as it is impossible to download them. So the pictures are very bad, but for me the first question is if this is possible.
    Thanks in advance !
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet   German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet  

    German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet   German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet  

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  3. #2


    Not great pictures but I'd say the decal was the remains of a post war add on. Not sure I've ever seen Germans in Spanish issue helmets from 1936-38. It looks like a relic shell too.

  4. #3


    I tried it with printscreen, copied it on word document and made a picture of it. Looks a little better.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet   German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet  

    German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet   German heer decal on a Spanish M26 sin ala helmeet  

  5. #4
    CSW is offline


    Welcome to the forum! You should be able to upload the actual screenshots here as well, no need for phone pictures of the screen. Just use the device that you have the image files on and proceed as you did with these photos

  6. #5
    MAP is offline


    I think your suspicions are correct. There is no logical reason why a Heer decal would be on a Spanish helmet.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

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  7. #6


    Thanks a lot ! Erwin

  8. #7


    I consider to buy this helmet for the shell it self. i read that a helmet like in the original colour without the hook for the attachment used in parades is quite rare. Most of thise helmets were refurbished in 1943 painted green and they put something on the front to attach the emblem. Is that so ? The seller would leave it for 60 euro. Regards.

  9. #8


    You are correct that this helmet looks to be the original color with out the badge hook, but in this condition I think 60 Euro is expensive. This is the 'con ala' model not the 'sin ala'.

  10. #9


    Thanks for the reply...indeed...the con ala...

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