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Effects of Dust and Artifical Lighting on Gas Masks?

Article about: Woo, long time since I've logged in here. Anyways, a simple question that for some reason I can't find the answer to. What exactly does dust do to items? It's good form to avoid dust obvious

  1. #1

    Default Effects of Dust and Artifical Lighting on Gas Masks?

    Woo, long time since I've logged in here.

    Anyways, a simple question that for some reason I can't find the answer to. What exactly does dust do to items? It's good form to avoid dust obviously, but what detrimental effects does it have? I'm sure there are some, but I haven't really heard what they are.

    To be more specific I'm thinking of my gas mask collection. I find in the collecting world that the subject of gas mask, respirator, and related equipment preservation is far less represented compared to the wealth of information on uniforms, insignia, and helmet preservation. This makes it a bit more difficult to get any definitive answers.

    So, what will dust do to various masks? I know that not all will be equal in this field. What works for a rubberized canvas VM44 is not going to work for the rubber M9A1, or for the the leather used in the Lederschutzmaske.

    Considering facing all of my shelving with plexiglass. Will this contribute in any significant way to reduce dust settling and buildup? Right now they're just open faced shelves; it wouldn't be hard to add some hinged plexiglass to make a clear but covered front.

    As another obvious question I just can't find the answer for for some reason, will artificial light negatively impact them in the way that natural light does? The sun will quickly ruin many masks, but would it hurt to put lights in my shelves to better display my meager collection?

    Thanks, and sorry I couldn't find the answers before. I'm sure I can't be the first to ask these questions.

  2. # ADS
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