02-26-2011 12:57 PM
Circuit advertisement
Re: German ww1 belt restoring
Looks good! but just one question why does he want it cleaned? I think that defeats the object of having a 'WW1' belt
Re: German ww1 belt restoring
Dimas, ruined !
Prost ! Steve.
Re: German ww1 belt restoring
Some peoples did not like the old smell and old look....
my Skype: warrelics
Re: German ww1 belt restoring
I do not think there has been any damage to the belt. It appears that it is stiil supple enough to be wound up and slowing down the ultimate drying out and decompisition is not a bad thing. The attitude of do nothing is good when you do not have a clue as to what your are doing but honest educated conservation is a good thing.
Although the is not an awards thread I always laugh at those who think they are doing a good thing when they let silver oxidize. Letting silver turn black lets the oxidization eat the silver away. Just like letting rust eat steel.