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RM-38 Mortar

Article about: I just acquired this love 50mm mortar and am desperately looking for a copy of the manual. There apparently used to be a scan online a few years ago, but it is gone now, and I was wondering

  1. #1

    Default RM-38 Mortar

    I just acquired this live 50mm mortar and am desperately looking for a copy of the manual. There apparently used to be a scan online a few years ago, but it is gone now, and I was wondering if anyone might have a PDF or perhaps even has an original one for sale. RM-38 Mortar

  2. #2


    Manual said that factory color for RM-38 mortal was Pink.

    While not a manual itself, here is Finnish use and evaluation off Russian 50mm mortals. Interesting read.
    FINNISH ARMY 1918 - 1945: 47 MM - 60 MM MORTARS

    Your mortal could have came most likely from Finland. "Year 1960 Finnish Defence Forces sold .... 1,269 mortars and 15,000 mortar shells for them were sold to Interarmco"

  3. #3


    That's a pretty good site, I've studied it more than a few times. Pink? I'm guessing that was some sort of primer or universal undercoat? I have seen them everything from winter camo to black, to stripped metal like mine. And yeah, I believe the Interams sale was the only source of these in the US. Mostly been trying to figure out what the heck they looked like when they left the arsenal in Russia, or when they were issued. Back to probably just painting it black or that disgusting baby poop green the Soviets liked so much.

  4. #4


    Pink color was a joke.

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