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T-34 tanks based vehicles

Article about: I'm have some walkarounds of T34-76, T-34-85 tanks, or SU-100 SPG. You may see this at my site - http://pblinov.narod.ru/photo.htm. With best regards ! Pavel.

  1. #1

    Default T-34 tanks based vehicles

    I'm have some walkarounds of T34-76, T-34-85 tanks, or SU-100 SPG.
    You may see this at my site - http://pblinov.narod.ru/photo.htm.

    With best regards !


  2. #2

    Default Re: T-34 tanks based vehicles

    T-34-76 prodused by STZ plant , at spring-summer 1942

    Autor of photos: Alexander Lagutin.

    With best regards !

    <MAP name=Map><AREA shape=RECT coords=95,1,129,44 href="frameset.htm"></MAP>

  3. #3

    Default Re: T-34 tanks based vehicles

    Walkaround of T-34-76 tank with turret , production by UZTM plant, late type

    <MAP name=Map><AREA shape=RECT coords=95,1,129,44 href="frameset.htm"></MAP>

    Walkaround of T-34-76 tank, with UZTM-turret, early type
    <MAP name=Map><AREA shape=RECT coords=95,1,129,44 href="frameset.htm"></MAP>

  4. #4

    Default Re: T-34 tanks based vehicles

    Best russian tank

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