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Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

Article about: Hello Ben, there are collectors that say the SS buckle was introduced in the late 1920's. Of course this is not possible. The motto did then not exist. After the problems in Berlin, known as

  1. #1

    Default Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

    Hello Ben,

    there are collectors that say the SS buckle was introduced in the late 1920's. Of course this is not possible.
    The motto did then not exist. After the problems in Berlin, known as the Stennes-Putsch, Hitler thanked the
    SS April 1, 1931 for their help by saying: SS-Mann, Deine Ehre heisst Treue! From this grew shortly thereafter
    the motto "Meine Ehre heisst Treue". November 28, 1931 a new ranking-system was valid for the SS. More then
    one rank came into being.
    Another gesture was that Hitler later splitted the SS from the SA to become an independent organization July 20,
    1934 (after the Röhm problems in June).

    From an interview in the mid-1970's I have learned from employees and board-members from Overhoff that in
    fact Hitler himseld had made a sketch for the SS buckle and gave Overhoff the order to make dies. The first
    buckles were from Neusilber (German silver) and were protected by law (ges.gesch). They claim to be the
    manufacturer for buckles for the Allgemeine-SS until the start of the war (this they have stated in a letter).
    Others manufactured the SS buckle for the SS-VT and SS-TV and later Waffen-SS.
    Last edited by Ben Evans; 11-09-2011 at 07:14 PM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Stahlhelmbund, Jung-Stahlhelmbund and Landsturm

    Again Wilhelm, another fascinating insight, so Overhoff were indeed the first to start producing SS buckles

  4. #3

    Default Re: Stahlhelmbund, Jung-Stahlhelmbund and Landsturm

    Hello Gentlemen,

    Many thanks to all for the expert insights. Wilhelm, welcome to the forum...your reputation as a scholar and gentleman certainly precede you. It is exciting to have you here as a contributing member and authority, especially being a newer collector myself with much that I can learn. Most interesting about the nickel silver O&C Ges. Gesch. buckle and it is good to have confirmation of what I have always understood...that this is in fact the early/original SS.

    One other very interesting point here in my eyes as a collector of SA is what has been said about the box vs. double claw buckle. While marked SA box buckles are not common, we do see many different RZM marked variants. If, as I understand it, RZM marking came into full swing in 1934 it seems odd that they would continue being produced/stamped if by this time they should have been eclipsed by the regulation double-claw SA. Perhaps some additional thoughts on this which could further educate me and other SA collectors?


  5. #4

    Default Re: Stahlhelmbund, Jung-Stahlhelmbund and Landsturm

    If I can find the time I will try to put together a sort of sequence for the SA buckle from the late twenties
    until about 1936, as I did for the Stahlhelm-organization. In my opinion it won't be easy, as not much is
    known about the earliest period up through 1933. But I can give it a try. I do not make any promise and
    do not know when, as I am quite busy at the moment. May take a while!

    Request to Ben:
    I would like to ask Ben to move posts 88 through 91 to a something new thread. Anyway to split it from
    this Stahlhelm-thread, as what is about SA has nothing to do with Stahlhelm. If other members can give an
    assisting hand that would be great. Maybe we can come to a final "goal"!
    Ben you can eventually name it: SA-buckle sequence (or so).

  6. #5

    Default Origins of the Sturm Abtielung Buckle

    Gents, this information has been moved from the Stahlhelm thread, Wilhelm Saris is kindly going to give us an insight into the development and time line of the SA buckle.

  7. #6

    Default Re: Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

    Hi again Wilhelm!! Looking forward to hearing more! Nice to have you on board!


  8. #7

    Default Re: Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

    Thanks Ben for moving this into a new thread. Over three days I was working for an SA-sequence,
    which is quite difficult. You will later see or hear why! I have typed out about nine pages with text.
    But if you will get much wiser? That's up too you guys!
    It's now in the hands of Ben...... So, wait and see!

  9. #8

    Default Re: Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

    Gents for those interested Wim has spend three days going through original documents to compile this. I for one have read this and the information is fantastic, I for one would personally like to thanks Wim for his time and input into the buckle forum gents enjoy:

    For this sequence I have checked lots of material in my possession, but it is very difficult to get a good insight of what has happened with the SA-buckle. Over 70 portfolio’s I have checked, containing a possible 1,400 copies, relating to political NSDAP-organizations. Amongst them were about 500 papers from the “Oberste SA-Führung”. Often the sources just mentioned “belt” or “belt with buckle”. Buckle collectors maybe somewhat disappointed, as not the slightest bit of information was found about the silver or nickel colored SA types of buckle, or those that have the pebbling, mentioned to be for example for the NSKK. Neither was any written information found that stated the use of smaller types of SA-buckles in regulations for walking or sports. Exact sizes were not mentioned at all in regulations, but in leaflets or catalogues. The information “Jugend” or “NSDAP-Jugend” only was found and stated in some leaflets from manufacturers. Official documentation does not mention any of this at all!

    Knowing I have lots of information, I am asking myself for over 20 or more years, where do come the buckles from or where was the information found that I have read about in various buckle-books. I don’t know. When I visited the city-archives at Lüdenscheid in the mid-seventies (1976) I was very disappointed. Myself I owned more catalogues and leaflets then the archive. Much was in those days copied by me and supplied to them.
    Sources mention in their annals:

    1925-1930: The SA was started to be uniformed after the re-institution of the NSDAP on February 27, 1925. A belt was not yet mentioned, but for the meeting at Weimar in July 1926 for the first time a belt was noted to be worn. A buckle was not mentioned nor described, but one can conclude it must have been introduced then. This was also the moment the HJ was founded. In the SA-Befehl from November 14, 1926 a belt was mentioned to be worn, when possible along with the leather shoulder-belt. Nothing was said about what type of buckle was to be worn. In many parts of Germany the NSDAP was a forbidden organization. In the GRUSA-orders from 1927, 1929 and 1930 nothing was said about the belt nor buckle at all. This all must have been arranged by spread OSAF-letters and memo’s is my opinion. In 1928 a new districts-system came into being. 1929 was important for the organization when since April the various “Zeugmeistereien”’ came into being and a start was made for a better supplying of uniforms (keep this in mind). The indication “Reichszeugmeister” was just a function, not yet a department.This grew into the Reichszeugmeisterei-department in about 1930, to which were subordinated 6 Zeugmeisterei-depots.

    In the book “Dokumente der Zeitgeschichte” a photograph showed what was the official SA-uniform by orders from November 14, 1926. The person wearing the uniform wears a buckle with the large swastika in horizontal form over the rectangular. In the buckle-book “Deutsche Koppelschlösser, 1800-1945” from Jürgen Bandau this buckle was mentioned to be from about the above mentioned period. Mr. Bandau was the best informed expert in the seventies with an enormous knowledge and a super collection. I may say he was my mentor and a very good friend. Various times I have visited him in south Germany and have held the buckle in my hand. Bandau states the buckle as a manufactured item from the Wilhelm Deumer-concern. The buckle must have had a Deumer-marking, otherwise he would not have stated this. I cannot remember the marking anymore. It is now over 30 years ago.

    About 1927 must have been the moment the first actual SA-buckles were introduced and worn with the eagle and swastika. This eagle became official and appeared in November 1927 for the SS-headgear and was phrased as “Adler-Kokarde”. Before that often buckles from old stocks were in use, even Imperial. It is practically sure that manufacturer’s will have “experimented” with buckles in those days to get an agreement for their pattern. By this many symbols came into being.

    In notes from the police (for example from Dortmund in 1930) it was noted what was not allowed to be worn during a prohibition of the organizations by the nazi’s, being the SA, SS and HJ. For these last they mention it the uniform for the Wanderabteilung, which was the HJ, wearing a belt with nat.soz. buckle; the Schar, which was the DJ, also a belt with nazi-buckle. One can speculate that the HJ did wear the regular SA type of buckle and the youngsters the smaller versions. This is not stated, but would be normal.

    1931: In spring 1931 there were many complaints that more and more items and insignia were not manufactured according the standards from the Reichszeugmeisterei or even those that were not allowed to manufacturer them at all. The main-Reichszeugmeisterei was at Munich, the depots at Süd being München, West being Düsseldorf, Nord at Hannover, Ost at Berlin, Mitte at Dresden and one at Vienna (Austria). This was noted in the “Verordnungsblatt der Reichsleitung der NSDAP”, number 4 from July 27, 1931. This was also published in the “VBL.der OSAF”. August 15, 1931 special insignia for the Zeugmeisterei-employees came into being (Vbl.der OSAF). Constant re-organizations in the systems took place, including the various Zeugmeistereien while sub-depots were founded. In December 1931 a list with insignia noted names for manufacturers. With all insignia noted, the indication “ges.gesch” was included. This will not have been different then for belt-buckles and was continued into ultimate 1932 (stated in various issues from the Vbl.d.RL der NSDAP).

    The “Dienstvorschrift der SA” (DV-SA)came into being and mentions shortly: belt with buckle and shoulder-belt. In 1932 this regulation was renewed. In “Heft 2” about the uniform (Bekleidungswesen) again “a belt and buckle” were mentioned. Nothing was said about the form for the buckle or its colors. In this year the Nat.Soz. Betriebszellen-Organization was a fact January 1931. Late may the DV-SA was official.

    1932: In the “Verordnungsblatt der Obersten SA-Führung” from January 26, 1932 new prices for buckles were noted for the SA and NSKK. But as so often nothing was said about its colors or materials or what symbols had to be used. In the same issue, page 5 the “neues Leibriemenschloss” for the SS was mentioned. This was the form for the enlisted ranks, as the leaders buckle was now introduced (number 22, page 6): “Feldbindenschloss für SS-Führer”, to be worn by SS-Sturmführer and higher SS-leaders. Only a complete set with belt and shoulder-belt was available at the price of 4.60 RM, delivered by the RZM. One should note that on orders of the government the disbanding for the SA and SS was ordered. They went “underground”. This took until about June 1932. The uniforms appeared again and so the buckles.
    In an OSAF-letter from July 7, 1932 (Qu. Nr. 1543/32) the SA dress was described, while new items were introduced (for example the tunic). It was mentioned that the formerly worn belt one continuously could wear, but a new belt was available (4.0 and 6.0 cm) with a shoulder-belt. With this the double-claw in yellow or silvered metal had to be worn, according to the color for the worn buttons. In its earliest stage the use of the wider belt and double-claw was to identify the SA-leader.

    1933: In practically all booklets about political uniforms for the SA a belt and buckle only were mentioned, but no specific details given at all! Seven such booklets were consulted. In “Die Uniformen und Abzeichen der SA, SS, HJ usw” from the Traditions-Verlag Kolb the shown buckle-drawing is totally in brass with a sun-wheel swastika.
    With orders from April 28, 1933 all Zeugmeisterei-depots were disbanded and only the RZM at Munich remained as the sole supplier for goods (a new RZM was raised and was in fact in existence since March 1, 1933). This may have been the approximate date when the codes were introduced and came into being we all know as KH (Koppelschlosshersteller) and UE (Uniform-Effektenhersteller). This KH and UE-system lasted until spring 1935. In August 1933 (Vbl.d.RL. der NSDAP, nr. 53 from August 15, 1933) all articles were mentioned that had to be according permission from the RZM. Amongst all of these articles were mentioned belt-buckles for the NSDAP and its sub-organizations. It is speculated that surely from this date on buckles were to be marked with the RZM-sign and the earlier mentioned letter-codes with the number for the permission, given to the manufacturer. It is practically sure the use of these was not earlier!
    In the magazine “Wehrsport und Arbeitsdienst”, Nr.1 vom July 15, 1933 about the SA-uniform it was noted: Greater Service Dress with belt, buckle with symbol and shoulder-belt. The Informal Service Dress to be worn with belt with buckle or the double-claw. The NSKK did then not wear the shoulder-belt. Very interesting in this magazine is an advertisement from Overhoff where they mention to be the sole manufacturer for enlisted ranks and officer’s SS-buckles (summer 1933).

    In the Vbl.d.OSAF from December 1, 1933 it was noted with item number 10 on page 3: instead of the SA buckle the introduced double-claw for enlisted ranks and leaders, according to order Qu Nr. 1543 from July 7, 1932 was to be worn. When a new buckle was needed the double-claw had to be purchased instead of the rectangular version. The use of the old type of buckles was connived. From available documentation it is obvious this use may have taken up through 1935 anyway. The double shoulder-belt for mounted SA (Reiter-SA) became a fact December 6, 1933.

    1934: In a uniform-booklet from 1934 “Abzeichen und Dienstgrade der NSDAP” a brown belt was described, which included a brass buckle. The drawing included in this booklet showed the SA-buckle with sun-wheel swastika. Nothing was said about a nickel inset or whatever other versions. From other sources the same form of buckle is known. One must conclude this type of buckle was then commonly used and worn. Most uniform drawings do show belt and buckle, but one cannot see any detail. The double-claw was mentioned to be used by leaders SA und SS from November 1933. The belt is described to be brown (black for the SS).

    In the well-known “Die Uniformen der Braunhemden” by Freiherr von Eelking with the stand of March 1, 1934 it mentions the use of a belt, eventually the shoulder-belt with the meeting at Weimar (see above 1926). A perfect buckle drawing shows again the sun-wheel swastika. Instead of the buckle the double-claw was allowed to be worn. If one can trust the colored drawings, one does not know. Much drawings were quite accurate. The member from the Feldjägerkorps wears a brass buckle with silvered inset. Further one can see white and yellow buckles. As mentioned no details are visible. It is further known that for SA-men at the so-called “Hilfswerklager” a belt and shoulder-belt were mentioned, but no details were told about for the used buckle (SA der NSDAP, OSAF – V.3. nr.18682 from August 12, 1934).

    In the “Anzugs-Ordnung für die SA” from March 1, 1934 the belt-buckle still was noted allowed to be worn (page 20). It was described how the buckle had to be worn with the various forms of uniform. Instead of the buckle – when another one was needed to be purchased – the matt double-claw had to be bought. It’s color being according to the used button-color. From research it is known this regulation largely still was in force in 1939 and later. It was noted to be “Part I”. Reading this one thinks there must have been a “Part II” also. In spite of in-depth research for about 40 years this part-II regulation was NOT found, nor is it known that some collector or archive does possess this. What is known is that it was planned and it was intended that all uniforms-parts were to be described in-depth in this addendum to part-I. It is not even sure it was finally released as if it would have been mentioned in the “Handbuch der SA” from 1939 (stand October 27, 1938). On page 62 all active regulations were mentioned.
    Further information was found in: a price-list from April 1934 from “Der Stahlhof”, the uniform supplier for the Stahlhelm-organization, mentions what was available for the SA-uniform. The SA belt and the buckle were noted to be available upon request. The magazine “Sport und Arbeitsdienst” from April 15, 1934 noted that the RZM was quite furious while at that moment still belts with SA-buckles were sold. The double-claw had to be used instead.

    In the “Vbl.d.OSAF” from April 29, 1934 a complete description for the, to be worn, double-claw was included with the sizes 4.5 and 6.0 cm, in the colors according to the worn buttons.
    In an OSAF-letter (Ch. Nr. 12888) from May 4, 1934 the NSKK dress was mentioned and described. The leather belt was as for the SA in brown. Nothing was said for a typical buckle. Buttons were noted to be in silver. Maybe to match the buttons a silvered buckle may have worn. It is an important question of mine since many years: could this silver SA-type of buckle also have been worn by the early SS, when they were a part for the SA until their specific buckle was introduced?

    With the date June 1, 1934 the first issue for the “Mitteilungsblatt der RZM” was published. It is obvious that with the new political leaders uniform a belt with double-claw was to be worn. On page 3 the OSAF-order from the “Verordnungsblatt” from April 29, 1934 was repeated. The double-claw was to be made from SM steel (Siemens-Martin-Stahl). Other materials were at that moment in fact not allowed. They had to be produced by manufacturers with an RZM-permission. Largely this was the UE-indication (Uniform-Effekten), since 1935 the M5-code. On page 6 from the same issue it was said: belt-buckles only are allowed to be purchased from manufactuers with a permission. They have to include a specific code and the sign for the RZM with its number. This surely could be the KH-indication for Koppelschlosshersteller, the later M4 and the UE, as mentioned earlier. Note the M$ and M5-codes came into being later!

    In issue 2 from June 9, 1934 from the “Mbl.d.RZM” some minor, but interesting notes were mentioned: amongst the article that had to be coded were mentioned buckles for the SA, SS, HJ, DJ, but also for political leaders (PO). This one I think must have been either a belt-buckle for them. The form is not mentioned but it is speculated this buckle could have had a swastika within an inset or the NSBO-buckle, as this sort of buckle was mainly worn by pol. leaders, as the leading functions for the NSBO always were political leaders. Note that from the beginning of 1934 the PO had to wear double-claw buckles when wearing the new type of uniform. Page 4 from the same issue is quite interesting: there are shown with drawings the SS leader’s buckle and the one for the enlisted ranks of the SS (no exclamation mark was included with the drawing. An artist’s error?). The SA buckle included was the version with the horizontal swastika from which it was mentioned “it was no longer being manufactured”. In issue 4 from June 23, 1934 it was specifically mentioned on page 3 that the manufacturing for SA-belts in the old form for the belt-buckle was no longer allowed. Interesting is that it is mentioned that stocks were allowed to be sold out first! Page 4 mentions that old stock, not having the RZM code were in fact not allowed to be sold. Double-claws not having this indication were repossessed by the control-officials (Kontrollamt). The leather belt should no longer have the Havanna-brown color, but a chocolade-brown color. It might be of interest to know that the controlling of goods by the RZM took place together with SA-officials from department F4: Ausrüstungsabteilung. This department for example took care and was responsible for the development of uniforms, insignia and the designs.

    In issue 9 from July 28, 1934 the RZM noted that much items as double-claws and fittings were not manufactured according the specifications. Manufacturers had to note this and the control-officials would come by to inspect them. They decided if they were allowed to be sold or not! Exact specifications were published with issue 12 from August 18, 1934 in relation to the SA-belt and double-claw, but also for the belts for mounted-SA, political leaders, HJ and DJ.

    In issue number 23 from November 3, 1934 from the “Mbl.d.RZM” it was once again noted that the manufacturing of SA-buckles was not allowed anymore. One should note that even after the abolishing and it no longer was an official item, the SA-buckle remained a party related item. From another note one can conclude that the RZM was not pleased at all that many buckles (SA, HJ and DJ) were not marked accordingly with the RZM sign nor the number for the permission. The control-officials decided when buckles were okay to be sold. When this was not agreed then they were to be repossessed. The RZM had to be noted before mid-November 1934. Samples for buckles and belts were provided by the RZM to the manufacturers. They had to produced according these standards.
    However not having to do with SA it is not denied to the buckle-collector.

    In issue 29 from December 15, 1934 a special note in relation to the NSBO-buckle was included: it was warned for manufacturing and selling for the NSBO-buckle while its final form was not yet decided by the Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Ley. When the form was finally decided they would be informed by the RZM. This never happened while the double-claw became the official item for wearing. With this knowing, one also knows that all existing rectangular NSBO buckles were in fact produced in-official. In the book from Freiherr von Eelking one drawing was included, which in my opinion was a semi-official rsion: brass buckle with silvered inset. The inset shows a small oak-leaf circle. Within this the NSBO-symbol, the hammer with swastika, the cogwheel part with abbreviation and the hand. In issue 7 from February 16, 1935 it was noted that with the NSBO-uniform a black belt with silver double-claw had to be worn. No buckle was mentioned then anymore!

    1935-1936: In various issues from the newspaper “Der SA-Mann” from January 1935 advertisements were included from the Reichszeugmeisterei, which included only the belts with double-claws, which were now common and regular items.

    In “Anzugsordnung für das NSKK”, dated January 11, 1935 about the worn belt it is said: color for the belt to be brown (and not black). The old buckles still were allowed to be worn, but as with the SA when a new one was purchased it should be the double-claw. At that moment the white metal and yellow metal were worn according to the buttons (this was not different as for the SA yet while the early NSKK followed the SA).This was changed later, anyway in 1936.
    Issue 8 from February 8, 1935 asks manufacturers an important question: a) what is really manufactured by your company; b) what is manufactured as semi-manufactured article and c) what semi-manufactured article is delivered to other manufacturers. These questions may give buckle-collectors thoughts as “ is a catch always a product from the manufacturer, who marked the buckle”? This also goes for the prongs, as many sub-contractors (Hilfsbetriebe) attached these items to a buckle, as there were specialized contractors that soldered insets for buckles. Some concerns did not solder at all, as they had more important work to do. This work was quite often done by sub-contractors!

    Further is quite important issue 10 from March 9, 1935 as with this the changing of codes was a fact: KH became M4 and UE became M5. This is quoted on pages 78 and 79. Issue 19 from June 22, 1935 notes with page 194: selling the old SA-buckles. It is allowed, but were to be supplied with a tag from the RZM. Concerns that had a permission and did have such buckles in stock should buy the appropriate tags at sub-department M from the RZM.
    In the course of 1935 the uniform for the NSKK changed slowly, to have a final form in 1936. The NSKK then also always did wear the belt with double-claw.

    In the “Organisationsbuch der NSDAP” from 1936 page 377 describes the Formal Service Dress and Informal Service Dress. With both then the double-claw always was worn. Page 390 mentions the Marine-SA still was allowed to wear the belt with rectangular SA-buckle. All figures included in the book show the wearing of the double-claw.

    Quote here is from what I see or have seen, which is not much!
    Assmann & Söhne: I am convinced that the shown buckle with number 19015 in the Assmann-catalogue is an early product (brass and nickel inset). In the time-table I would say 1926. This buckle shows the canted swastika. The same page shows the horizontal swastika with number 20440. My calculation tells me this is about 1927/1928 to make a difference for the SA and SS, which then was a part for the SA. Maybe that’s why later the SS buckle has a horizontal swastika. A theory only as no indication was found and the horizontal swastika was shown as a drawing in 1934 in the “Mitteilungsblatt der Reichszeugmeisterei” (see timeframe 1934). My Assmann timeframe-numbering is a theory only, caused when I compared about 70-80 introduction-dates with the given number for the article. In over 90% the number and time-frame matched. One should take in account the period of development for a specific item!
    In a additional sample-page number 1 (shown in the early youth thread) with buckles the 19015 version in 4.5 cm was shown, as well as the 3.5 cm, which was described as for the HJ and a 4.0 cm for the SA. Assmann has not included a buckle with sun-wheel swastika, but all buckles shown on this special page number 1 have numbers in the range of 21294 (SS enlisted, introduced late 1931), 21332 (SS officers, introduced early 1932), 21802 (NSBO, see what is said about this buckle in the text), 18491 (a very early buckle with a horizontal swastika for the NSDAP-organization, which could be worn by all. Speculated introduction-date was about 1926), 22049 (HJ, introduced about October 1933), 22006 (DJ, 4.5 cm introduced summer 1933), 22005 (DJ but 3.5 cm), 21844 (NSKK), 21789 (early flying units). The NSBO, NKK and NSFK buckles were all products from about late 1932 up through early 1933. Note this timeframe matched only with Assmann. Other concerns had their own and specific article-numberings. In the Assmann with a smaller buckle the buckle was phrased as HJ. No detailed description was included with these sample-pages other then what was noted with the buckles.
    Page 2 of the samples showed the 4.5 and 3.5 cm Stahlhelm “Front Heil”-buckles, nr. 20564 the very rare Stahlhelm leader’s buckle; an early Stahlhelm version not having the motto (18481), the two field-grey types for Stahlhelm and Jungstahhelm further a group of Scharnhorst-buckles in various sizes and an early Wehrwolf with nr. 18479. Page 3 shows the official FAD-buckle and also a group of variations in various sizes; the 4.5 and 3.5 cm Turnerbund buckle and two varying versions for the Deutsche Jugendkraft (DJK) in 3.5 and 4.5 cm. Page 4 I do miss at this moment (must have put it into a wrong portfolio), but page 5 shows fire-brigade buckles enlisted and officer’s; early Red Cross enlisted and officer’s, also Deutscher Schützenverband. Page 6 shows Deutsche Reichsbahn and early Bahnschutz, Reichsheer, Postschutz and police and others. In an Assmann catalogue from 1937 the SA-buckles were noted no longer to be delivered as they were out of order and not according to regulations. This was included by handwriting.

    Steinhauer & Lück: An early 1930’s catalogue from Steinhauer & Lück they did not include any buckle, but a loose leaflet showed the canted swastika and sun-wheel SA-buckles. The sun-wheel was only available in 4.5 cm; the canted swastika in 3.5 cm with a soldered inset and also in one-piece. The 4.5 cm they delivered in one-piece. A stenciled catalogue from the mid-thirties (it included already the Werkschar-buckle) still has included the SA-buckle with symbol in yellow metal, nickled and chromed (article-number 9708). In a 1935 catalogue the regular SA-buckle was still included as article-number 4642, but it was mentioned the buckle was not according to the regulations anymore. They had sold the brass version and the one with nickel inset with canted swastika. In their catalogue from May 1939 no SA-buckle was included anymore.

    Wilhelm Deumer: in their later twenties catalogue they mentioned they could deliver what was needed and wanted. Amongst the many they note (but not show) no specific SA-buckle was included, but they mention a buckle with swastika. They also delivered lots of smaller versions, known as Gürtelschnalle. Neither here the SA version was mentioned. In their 1937 catalogue they only offered the HJ and Werkschar nazi-buckles.

    Berg & Nolte: An about 1933-leaflet from this concern they showed the canted swastika, as well as the sun-wheel version. The canted swastika was available in 4.5 (1790), as well as 3.5 (8084) cm with the silvered inset. 1698 in 4.5 cm was in one-piece and 1699 in 4.5 cm was with silvered inset with sun-wheel. With 1811 they had the buckle with silvered inset and horizontal swastika (no explanation). With a 3.5 cm with silvered inset and canted swastika they had it noted to be an NSDAP-Jugend and Sport. Here also various smaller types with all kinds of devices were shown. This they did also with a page with all kinds of Stahlhelm and Jungstahlhelm buckles or inset for Wehrwolf and Scharnhorst. This leaflet even was provided in early 1935 (visible by a stamp).

    Overhoff & Cie: this was the only leaflet or catalogue which shows a pebbled buckle with SA-symbol with the canted swastika. The article-number was 0651 in 4.5 cm. No further explanation was given.

    Haunstein & Kirchhof: a 1933/1934 leaflet from Haunstein & Kirchhof from Leipzig only shows the sun-wheel swastika (this leaflet shows the official pebbled FAD buckle, which came into being in 1933, replaced by the double-claw in early 1934. The FAD-buckle was also shown in advertisements from Assmann, Overhoff and others). Friedrich Linden early leaflet only the canted swastika with the size 3.4 and 4.5 cm (not mentioning its purpose), as does Hahne WWe from Lüdenscheid: two forms of canted swastika, article-number 1500 and 1501. The swastika and wreath for the eagle is somewhat smaller;

    Kallenbach, Meyer & Franke from Luckenwalde manufactured at least the 3.5 cn 4.5 cm SA-buckle with canted swastika and the 4.5 cm with sun-wheel up through 1934. Paul Craner & Co advertised with a 3.5 cm buckle and phrased it “Kinderschar”, but how it would look like? It was not shown, only mentioned about!

    An advertisement from Julius Grefe from Dahle showed a drawing from the SA-buckle with canted swastika (summer 1933). An advertisement from J.D. von Hagen from Iserlohn the SA-buckle with sun-wheel swastika (August 1933); Schmöle & Comp. the buckle with canted swastika; Linden u. Funke from Iserlohn the canted swastika. Many other concerns advertised also, but not showing a buckle (only mention it). The SA-buckle was even shown in a fall advertisement from Ossenberg-Engels, Iserlohn. They advertised with the canted swastika buckle.

    As mentioned before: In none of the information anything is said about the total silvered SA-type of buckles or the ones with the pebbling or those with the straight wings. So where the ideas come from they are NSKK or whatever, I cannot state at all. It is my opinion, which already was the opinion of Mr. Bandau in the seventies, that no exact regulation of how the SA/NSKK-buckle had to look like ever was published. Further it always has been my personal thoughts that the difference for a total brass one or the ones with silvered inset was mainly caused by the use of the silver or golden buttons, depending on what district. Due to the many corrections and re-organization for areas and changes for districts however I think they may have dropped this idea while too often the members from the SA would have been forced to buy a new buckle. In one of my documents it was asked to exchange the color of the button with the area that also was changed (silver into gold and obverse). Did this really happen? I do not know, but to tell precisely what has happened within the SA-organization a final conclusion can’t be given at all!
    Last edited by Ben Evans; 11-13-2011 at 08:39 PM.

  10. #9

    Default Re: Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

    Hello Ben,

    thanks for posting this "monster-post" to this SA-sequence thread for me.
    I know there will be questions, but more as I have told here I could not find in the documentation.

    My "thoughts or guesses" one may critize or one may have his own thoughts. I hope that members
    will bring in new information, to give assistance so we all can learn.

    But PLEASE it should not be information "from having heard or this was told too me"!
    State your comment(s) with original documentation, as what I have done and quoted from. It is for the benefit of us all!

    Thanks for reading.......

  11. #10

    Default Re: Origins of the Sturmabteilung Buckle

    Hello Wim,

    i will say thankyou for this beautiful thread .

    This is full my interest and so much intresting .

    My respect !
    Regards ,

    I'm searching for
    Buckles 3.Reich

    special SA/NSKK/NSFK with maker marks

    Link to my collection : http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/album.php?albumid=1175

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