06-12-2018 01:20 AM
Circuit advertisement
Hi Chuck..could you post the daggers separately in their own forums..especially the Heer dagger.
I would like to see all of these daggers front and back pics of grip crossguards , blade and scabbard.
I like what I see so far.
Regards Larry
It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!!
- Larry C
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill
I am to meet with the guy that has them in the morning. These are the only pictures he could before running to work. I believe the sa daggers to be. Correct they do not look to be in the best of condition. The here dagger wasn't really offered but I may grab it too. I think he said it is a Carl eickhorn but I will have to take pictures when I see it or get it. I was just posting to get everyone's opinions based on these overall shots. I will try to get better pictures in the morning from the seller or when I am at location, I know condition is everything and the sa daggers do not look to be so hot so probably not super valuable but neat in their own right as a part of History.
Nice to see these not so common Rohm dagger producers. Aesculap and Anton Wingen.
Interesting Vet scribed wording …" Frankenstein Summer?
It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!!
- Larry C
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill
I'm not sure what it reads.I almost thought that's what it said too LOL.
I may try to mess with the photos and change the colors and hue again to see if it will appear any different I figure the more people that look at it maybe we'll to come up with something.
Guys I have seen daggers like this in a similar condition 'which is a little bit rough' sell from anywhere from 400 to 6 or $700... " and that is on a few dealers websites i have reviewed.
Im thinking the fully ground aesculap with rough blade may bring 400 as it looks to have a pitted blade on front and cleaned and possibly sharpened....
And say about the same for the anton wingen with partial inscription maybe 500???
The army dagger has an eickhorn type 4 guard and is a very late zinq version, i cant see if the pommel fits, but looking at the big seam it might well be a generic pommel.
Better pics are needed.
That not Frankenstein
look at the E in Germany...
i will figger it out when i can find the time