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Best value detector ?.

Article about: hi there, i would strongly recommend getting a Ace 250 if your new to the hobby. i have used it for 5 years now its a great machine for its price. you don't need an expsensive machine for fi

  1. #1

    Default Best value detector ?.

    Hi all.I am considering buying a metal detector as i live very close to a beach and was wondering if any members had any advice on what would be a good machine for beach detecting.I was looking to spend around £100-£150.Also where can i look up the laws relating to beach detecting.As im new to it i wont be going further than North Wales just yet but dont want to break any laws either.Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    Hi Snailster

    Well, to be honest, if you just want to give it a try and see what it's like I would suggest buying something quite cheap. Maplin electronics shops normally have metal detectors in. Last time I looked (6 months ago) they had a decent one for £60. My brother bought one and found as much as me with my £300 detector when we went to a gunnery range. This being the case, I know it isn't bad at all !

    As for the laws, there is a sticky thread in this forum that goes through them. Basically, you can search any beach in the UK unless it is part of a privately owned estate. There aren't many areas that this covers but there are a few. The upshot of this is, beach searching is basically fine and the only time it isn't there will be signs up asking you not to do it.

    So.....get yourself down to Maplins and get searching !

    Steve T

    PS Beach hunting is fun especially after a really hot and sunny day. Search where the people have been sunbathing, (usually 6-10 foot above the high water mark), and your metal detector will pay for itself within a few weeks (it always surprises me how much money and jewellery people drop on the beach )

    PPS For relics you need to do research and ID an area. The high water line itself can yield finds but be prepared for LOTS of modern junk !

  3. #3

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    Sorry...just thought.

    The cheaper MDs will not work well in sand that is water logged due to the high mineralisation 'background' chatter. Most MDs will give continuous signals when over wet sand.

    Stick to the dry sand for now.


    Steve T

  4. #4

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    For that budget, I'd go for a ACE 150 or 250. Both are cheap but very good.
    Some friends never upgraded them


  5. #5

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    The ace's do have problems with the mineralisation. At least, that's what fellow searchers told me that had/have one.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    I'd save up a bit more money and look at getting a second hand Minelab detector.
    Regards to all, Simon.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    Hi all.Many thanks for all your replys which have been very helpfull.Ive been hearing about crown estates and having to ask the queen to search !.Thought it abit odd as im shure she has better things to with her time !.Will check out the thread mentioned. Since my last post ive been given a metal detector which is currently on ebay for £87.99 new.Item 220 305 802 411.Wondering what members think ?.Will keep you posted with what turns up.Probably lots of ring pulls !.All the best.:-)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    is a minelab one of the best ones? i went on the website and there are a few different types, which is best? id love ot have one for searching on the beaches and in woods? and maybe ww2 things too? can minelab do all of these?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.


    The answers above and other posts in this forum cover what you're asking.

    It's all down to personal preference at the end of the day

    Steve T

  10. #10

    Default Re: Best value detector ?.

    A Minelab can do all the things you asked
    Regards to all, Simon.

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