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A few days finds

Article about: After not visiting my local site for a while I decided to give it another visit, thinking I would not find much more. I was wrong I found a area and I pulled up quite a few 20mm and 50 cal.

  1. #1

    Default A few days finds

    After not visiting my local site for a while I decided to give it another visit, thinking I would not find much more. I was wrong I found a area and I pulled up quite a few 20mm and 50 cal. I also found quite a few 20mm heads (photos to follow) and loads of 20mm and 50 rusty clips, which I left there are they are pretty much useless in their present state. I also found a couple of 50 cal heads, one in very good condition, the other has hit something and appears hollow. The pics are what I found in 4 visits, can't wait to go back.A few days findsA few days findsA few days findsA few days findsA few days findsA few days findsA few days findsA few days finds

    I also found 2 x 20mm cases with 50 cal cases stuck inside them, they are both stuck solid. I have included a photo of all my finds from the site, I have filled the box and I will need to get another one.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture A few days finds  

  2. #2


    It appears that the 50 cal. bullet might have been an AP round and the core seperated upon impact.
    Just my opinion.
    Great looking finds. Any head stamps on the 20mm's?

    I specialize in M1 carbines and Lugers.

  3. #3


    Hi John
    Thanks for your reply, yes all the 20mm have head stamps most are BBC,GMS,K2,DURA and some others all are dated from 1941 to 1943. On a previous post I posted a pic of a 20mm case I found with no head stamps at all, but it was ink stamped with DURA, I was amazed the stamps had survived on the case after so long in the ground.
    Cheers jamie

  4. #4



    Is this a UK based location? I'm just curious as I know of a USAAF base near me that still has the ac gunnery range standing and I was wondering if these were found at a similar site?

    Great photos by the way, a really impressive haul!


  5. #5


    Hi Jon
    Yes it is a UK based site, I don't know if it was primarily used by the USAAF or not I am still trying to find out more information, going back soon hoping to find more .50 cal heads.
    Cheers Jamie

  6. #6


    Excellent, hopefully your research uncovers the site's history, and your MD uncovers more finds!!


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