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Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

Article about: Hi all I don't know where it disappeared to but I was sure I did a thread on MDing laws and 'stickied' it !!! Anyway, here it is again. If anyone is aware of any changes to these laws please

  1. #1

    Default Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    Hi all

    I don't know where it disappeared to but I was sure I did a thread on MDing laws and 'stickied' it !!!

    Anyway, here it is again.

    If anyone is aware of any changes to these laws please post a reply to update us all. I am aware that the law in FRANCE has now changed and been made even stricter than before. You can now not even obtain permission to search in certain areas and even being in possession of an MD in some regions is a criminal offence.

    Anyway, here are a couple of links to MD law in European countries. If someone has a link to MD laws in USA states, please post a link.

    European Laws

    Detecting Law

    ****Both links are broken. I have copied and pasted the laws into a reply to this thread on page 2****

    Both appear to have the same information but in a slightly different format

    Please be aware that laws can change at any time and you may not be aware of the changes. I would advise on checking with the appropriate authorities prior to visiting any country in Europe.

    Happy hunting !

    Steve T

    PS One last thing. Many countries have laws pertaining to DIGGING up objects but not necessarily the use of MDs. Therefore the act of digging a hole is the bit we're interested in. Many countries have laws pertaining to the land that do NOT apply to the beach. For example France have strict laws relating to the land, but these do not apply to beaches, hence you can use an MD on a beach.

    Check the law in the country you're going to to be sure. Remember that ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law !
    Last edited by Steve T; 09-15-2010 at 11:27 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    Many thanks to Appie for this update on French law

    Translated into English. The new French regulations conceirning digging/searching and picking up relics from French battlefields;

    .....On our first search day (we had the intention to dig very carefully), we are deep in the forest when we got caught by a Forestier. A Forestier, is a French forester. Some Forestier has something more judicial powers then the foresters we are used to. Adorned with gun and handcuffs he told us the following:

    1. The battlefields of France have been declared to historical sites of the French state;
    2. All items in or on the battle fields is owned by the state;
    3. Taking something / or picking up is the theft of the French state;

    How futile, rusty or trivial picked up the article may be the law condemns it as theft of the French state for which the fines are strict.

    However, if they have the impression it has to do with tourists with a purpose other than a 'souvenir' pick is also another law (eg in the Somme, Champagne, Verdun, Meuse and Argonne)

    Have in possession:
    1. a detector, or
    2. spades, digging tools (a garden spade is too much), or
    3. parts or components of ammunition;

    Then immediate confiscation of their vehicle until the fine (FF 20,000 / € 3100, -) is payed. The French government is willing to containment of the offender (s) until this decision is respected.

    Steve T

  3. #3

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    Thanks to Appie and Steve for the updates , all who want to MD should read this
    The gates of hell were opened and we accepted the invitation to enter" 26/880 Lance Sgt, Edward Dyke. 26th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers , ( 3rd Tyneside Irish )

    1st July 1916

    Thought shall be the harder , heart the keener,
    Courage the greater as our strength faileth.
    Here lies our leader ,in the dust of his greatness.
    Who leaves him now , be damned forever.
    We who are old now shall not leave this Battle,
    But lie at his feet , in the dust with our leader

    House Carles at the Battle of Hastings

  4. #4

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    So, is there anywhere in france you can go detecting?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.


    Yes........beaches. But that's about it. I have searched the Normandy beaches on 6 separate trips now and have never had any problems.

    Steve T

  6. #6

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    cool, im looking at going next year sometime, what did you find on the beach? Are there many shops?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    Mainly found cartridge cases and nose fuses.

    Yes there are a few shops selling relics. Try the shops on the coast road at Arromanches

    Steve T

  8. #8

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    What about Germany? Is there anywhere in Germany where it is legal to detect? My brothers and I are visiting Germany in a few months (June) and want to MD. In fact, the tour company we're using is hooking us up with a German local, after the WWII history tour, who will be taking us around for just this purpose (MD)...should we be concerned about legalities? How do we get whatever we find back to the States?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    Quote by dzyner View Post
    What about Germany? Is there anywhere in Germany where it is legal to detect? My brothers and I are visiting Germany in a few months (June) and want to MD. In fact, the tour company we're using is hooking us up with a German local, after the WWII history tour, who will be taking us around for just this purpose (MD)...should we be concerned about legalities? How do we get whatever we find back to the States?
    I see no issue taking spent cases etc back in your checked in luggage but obviously no live rounds or active weapons!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Laws pertaining to Metal Detecting.

    Thanks bikerboyzx6rm, but is it legal?? Can we go metal detecting in German battlefields and own the artifacts we discover legally? Obviously no bombs, grenades, live shells, etc - that goes without saying.

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