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Novelty metal detector

Article about: Hi Guys, just seen these on the TV here in the UK. They are a pair of sandals with a small built in metal decector. The power pack straps to your leg and can be set to either beep or vibrate

  1. #1

    Default Novelty metal detector

    Hi Guys, just seen these on the TV here in the UK. They are a pair of sandals with a small built in metal decector. The power pack straps to your leg and can be set to either beep or vibrate.

    Treasure Seeker’s Shoes Coolest Gadgets

    Cheers, Ade.

  2. #2
    HVK is offline

    Default Re: Novelty metal detector

    These would be fine to have in the Brandenburg area in Germany: "Me metaldetecting...??? No, I am just walking around...." :-)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Novelty metal detector

    He he he,dont go near any Mine fields wearing those.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Novelty metal detector

    you will look like your under house arrest with them on

  5. #5

    Default Re: Novelty metal detector

    Oh now they are COOL !

    I could search the Falaise pocket with them without fear of the gendarmes catching me !

    I wanna pair !

    Steve T

  6. #6

    Default Re: Novelty metal detector

    Not sure how good they'd be in the Forests of the East !!!

    Not much protection from the mossies and the ticks !!!
    The gates of hell were opened and we accepted the invitation to enter" 26/880 Lance Sgt, Edward Dyke. 26th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers , ( 3rd Tyneside Irish )

    1st July 1916

    Thought shall be the harder , heart the keener,
    Courage the greater as our strength faileth.
    Here lies our leader ,in the dust of his greatness.
    Who leaves him now , be damned forever.
    We who are old now shall not leave this Battle,
    But lie at his feet , in the dust with our leader

    House Carles at the Battle of Hastings

  7. #7

    Default Re: Novelty metal detector

    These have been around since the War, Saddam gave these out to his personal Bodyguards a week before Payday, for Mine detection whenever he wanted to go for a stroll, which allways seemed to be on the last day of the month.

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