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Playing with live hand grenades.

Article about: This is ******* from YouTube. Hes a British metal detectorist in Germany. Check him out, hes really funny and also finds some interesting things now and again. Mostly I just watch his videos

  1. #1

    Default Playing with live hand grenades.

    This is ******* from YouTube. Hes a British metal detectorist in Germany. Check him out, hes really funny and also finds some interesting things now and again. Mostly I just watch his videos because hes so dam funny!
    Some or most of you will be a little concerned though by the way he handles explosives when he finds them like in this video when he finds a Russian grenade and is tempted to pull the pin. Personally I don't mind because he is careful and re-buries or reports his more dangerous finds to the police.
    Last edited by Steve T; 09-08-2013 at 09:28 PM.

  2. #2


    Personally, I think he's one of the most irresponsible crackpot lunatics I've seen in a very long time,he's not funny, I think there's a screw loose somewhere, he wss'nt tempted to pull the pin, he DID!!!!!! , then threw it god knows where, leaving a potentially dangerous piece of ordnance for some poor soul to either tread on it or pick it up, he classes himself as a WW2 detectorist,yet he could'nt identify half of what he found.The small buckles he found were chin strap buckles and the leather the same, a piece he picked up was a vehicle thermostat, the larger'buckles' looked like carrying handles the belt buckle was German ,the leather buckle and clip was German,plus I doubt he had permission to dig that area as he admitted that he did'nt want people to know he was there,that's what known as black digging

  3. #3


    my thoughts to Davejb,what a tosher.

  4. #4


    This guy is a complete and utter idiot. He has no knowledge of ordnance yet regularly films himself handling live ordnance and weapons and is not, as you have stated, in any way careful. The fact he re-buries shows his lack of responsibility and the video of him pulling the pin on a seventy year old grenade, (a Russian F1), and lobbing it whilst 'being careful and standing behind a small tree', is idiocy in the extreme.

    I do not want this forum associated with such an irresponsible and 'soon-to-be owner of a Darwin award' idiot. It is people like him that give all metal detectorists and militaria collectors a bad name.

    I have removed the link you have posted to the video, from your thread. If people want to go take a look they have enough info to do so, but I won't allow his videos being linked to from a respectable site.

  5. #5


    In fact no. I've removed his name as well., He is a black digger with no regard for the laws of the land in which he is digging, nor the safety of other people. His name has no business on this forum.

  6. #6


    I feel sorry for the poor idiot that has to go and pick up the pieces and then tell his wife and kids that he died a terrible death because he was as thick as. He says it wont hurt anybody but him but go tell that to the innocent person walking past, the Police man, the Doctor, the Ambulance driver and the coroner. The guy should be banned from breathing, never mind that well known Video site.

  7. #7


    Grade 1 idiot!......

  8. #8


    The man is a good example of a bad example.He must make responsible detectorists want to punch His lights out

  9. #9


    I'm not sure I know who you are talking about, but I have a good idea. Seen his videos and understand the different opinions.
    Just so you know, the pulling the pin trick was a joke, the grenade was safe. Still not funny tho.

  10. #10


    Scheiße Kopf!

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