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POW camp Oxon

Article about: Hi Steve, thanks for the tips I am really finding any info on the site really hard. Apart from the camp number etc, thats about all i can find... seem to be getting nowhere on the info side.

  1. #1

    Default POW camp Oxon

    Dear all,

    I have located a POW camp, very close to my house, however finding any information on this particular site on the internet is proving very difficult. The only refferences i can find are the pow camp number and location. I run around this area a lot and keep seeing old parts of old buildings and lots of rubble. Which lead me to an internet search as I wondered if this was ever military related. I was right.

    Would anyone be interested in looking over the site to see what we can find, I have no experience in looking for relics.

    email me for more information if anyone is interested.


  2. #2

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    Looking over this site sounds like a great idea, have metal detector, count me in
    Regards, Simon.

  3. #3

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    Thats great, I'm impressed that someone replied so soon,

    Are you pretty local Simon? Glad you have the nessasary kit.

    As I have never done anything like this before, is there any good sources for info, anything we could do before to make this easier and did you want to do this with us, more etc?


  4. #4

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    I also sigh at my own stupidity... your location is shown LOL, please disregard that question...

  5. #5

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    Hi Dangermouse

    Just been put onto this by ShadowWolf, if you have no objections, I would be interested in getting involved in it also.

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

  6. #6

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    What is the camp number so I can do a bit of research on it?
    Cheers, Simon.

  7. #7

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    the camp number is 687, I have no objects to anyone joining in, as long as no one else minds all is welcome. I am trying to get more info but am struggling. From the vague bits on info I find, it certainly housed Italian POW's.

  8. #8

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    Hi Dangermouse

    Thanks for that.
    I'm seeing ShadowWolf tomorrow, (Friday), and if he doesnt reply on here, I'll let him know and we'll see what we can find out from our end as well.

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

  9. #9

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon

    Thats great, the shotover site is huge. but on my run the other day, found some old foundations, steps and such like. will have to find them again, as got lost that day as its not on the usual routes aroud the park. Shouldn't be too hard to find again... I think. (if this is even what we are looking for)


  10. #10

    Default Re: POW camp Oxon


    You are indeed looking for hut foundations.

    Best places to search in an old POW camp are the areas between the huts, (stuff got thrown out the windows), the recreation area, (stuff falls off uniforms), and any spot that, 70 years ago, would have been a nice shady spot to sit with your friends and shoot the breeze

    Have a good root through the'll find something eventually. If not, give me a shout. I've got a couple of sources that may yield useful information.


    Steve T

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