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Article about: Hi Guys, i just bought a garrett ace 250 , i went out with it for the 1st time on sunday for an hour and found 62 pence, and plenty of ring pulls and tin cans, any tips on detecting would be

  1. #1

    Default tips

    Hi Guys, i just bought a garrett ace 250 , i went out with it for the 1st time on sunday for an hour and found 62 pence, and plenty of ring pulls and tin cans, any tips on detecting would be appreciated cheers Dave

  2. #2

    Default Re: tips

    Maybe stop searching the floor of the amusement arcade!... haha
    They just found a WW2 bomb in sefton park - Liverpool. Maybe start there!

  3. #3

    Default Re: tips

    62p is already spent planning on finding some buried roman or viking loot so i can buy more 3rd reich gear,,suspose i would have a problem tho spending roman loot,,as for abroad i might have a go over there once i can use it properly,got my eyes on a site that i am going to hit and no its not a protected monument, well at least i dont think so might start collecting the tins and weigh them in , Dave

  4. #4

    Default Re: tips

    Dave i had the same problem when i had my detector, there i was 5ft into the sand on southport beach then i realized i had steel toe cap boot's on!!
    .........sorry m8 cant help myself

  5. #5

    Default Re: tips

    No No Phil that was the champagne corks getting popped it's oh so posh thaarr dosent 1 know......


  6. #6

    Default Re: tips

    Quote by PHILBROWN View Post
    thats one scary part of town mate, we stayed in the hotel of the park in 94 during my ambulance training, and there was gun shots every night for the 6 weeks we were there. lark lane was our haunt, scary women too
    I thought 'guns' were outlawed. Who's shooting them?

  7. #7

    Default Re: tips

    I would give some guide of detectors which would be better for relics hunting, beginning with cheaper, but not such a nice- good for nowice detecting
    1.)Fisher CZ 3 D, easy to use and good detector, even for professionals like Robocop
    Fisher CZ-3D Metal Detector Products - Kellyco Metal Detectors

    2)Minelab Sovereign GT Metal DetectorA little bit freakaish but nice detector for relic hunting, but I will give my vote for first if I'am choosing from both of them, but it's my taste
    Minelab Sovereign GT Metal Detector at Kellyco Metal Detectors

    3)Minelab X-terra 70 Pro Metal Detector
    approx the same as previous
    Minelab X-terra 70 Pro Metal Detector products - Kellyco Metal Detectors

    4)Fisher CZ 21 I don't try that but by his look -promised to find a lot of stuff Fisher CZ-21 Metal Detector Products - Kellyco Metal Detectors

    5) Fisher Pulse X8 or X6. I suggest to buy this one!!! Absolutely other system of detecting, more deep, and clear JW Fisher Pulse 8X Metal Detector - Kellyco Metal Detectors

    6) My dream eXp 5000
    OKM eXp 5000 Metal Detector products - Kellyco Metal Detectors

    my Skype: warrelics

  8. #8

    Default Re: tips

    thanks for the tips on detectors Dimas, i may upgrade in the future when i get more experienced with these things,, as for shootings they are common round my area, two got shot on sunday outside a local pub at tea time ,,

  9. #9

    Default Re: tips

    Well...I sure hope those guns are registered and legally owned. Wouldn't want them to fall into the wrong hands.
    Imagine if only criminals had them?

  10. #10

    Default Re: tips

    Quote by PHILBROWN View Post
    i chased a spider for an hour with a rolled up paper, till i realised i had craked my glasses
    Hahaha..that put a smile on my face Phil! Thanks!

    About the detecting adventure, well I guess you just have to try, try, dig and dig 'till you get the hang of it.
    I started in 1986, and you would not believe the amount of rubish I managed to dig up the first year (including sewer pipes)!
    Doing a little research about the location does help, you know what you're gonna find on a beach, but if you go inland in to the forests you could check what happend there, Roman or Celtic, Saxon sites ect. (big signboards saying "no metal-detectors" is a good give away you're on the right spot)
    And and good detector helps too, I must say I dont realy like the Ace 250, a mate bought one last year and I gave it a try in the North of France, but it drove me mad. Ok its value for its money, but if you want to do some serius relic digging (and relic finding!) you will need something more professional. I had a few detectors for different types of soil, but no I use a XP Adventis with a big DD spionage satelite disc mounted on it. Its like a vacuum cleaner! Nothing escapes, and for the real crazy jobs I use a Whites deepscan which will detect a oil drum at 4 meters (if one would want to dig 4 meters for a oil drum).
    In the north of France in the Somme region its near to impossible to use a MD due to the scrapnel lead balls that are everywhere. Two beeps every step; if I could get an euro each I was a millionair years ago. So up there I search by eye, looking at rust on the surface, and of course in the rivers. When the sun is in a certain position you can scan the bottom of the rivers by eye as the farmers simply dumped loads in just after the war. Helmets, rifles, bajonets, a trained eye will pick them out and with a dredge magnet or hook you can pull em out. I found a complete Panzerfaust like that two years ago in a German shallow river.
    Anyway, good luck, and dont give up to soon; you need to learn how your MD works, and reconize the signal its giving you before the good stuff will be found.

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