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German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??

Article about: Gents, I need your help in identifying this German portepee or trodell please as I've heard conflicting opinions on it:

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    RON is offline

    Default German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??

    Gents, I need your help in identifying this German portepee or trodell please as I've heard conflicting opinions on it:

    German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??

  2. # ADS
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    Default Re: German Sword or Bayonet Knot? WW1 or WW2??


    Looks to me like a WWII bayonet knot but the size of that bulb is really making me think sword knot.

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