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Help Needed on Bayonet Markings

Article about: Hi all, Picked up a couple of bayonets recently and was looking to get some help identifying some markings on various bayonets, scabbards and frogs. The bayonet is seperate from the scabbard

  1. #1

    Default Help Needed on Bayonet Markings

    Hi all,

    Picked up a couple of bayonets recently and was looking to get some help identifying some markings on various bayonets, scabbards and frogs. The bayonet is seperate from the scabbard. Scabbard is together with the frog.


    Serial marking on the crossguard. Mundlos 1935 manufacture with wood handle. There are no waffenamt stamps on the bayonet. Any idea on what the serial number might be? Post-war? Or was it a group that had to source bayonets?

    Help Needed on Bayonet MarkingsHelp Needed on Bayonet MarkingsHelp Needed on Bayonet Markings


    Early leather1935 frog by L Zeschke NPLG. Mullrose. Has copper rivets. Also contains markings "21K". Any ideas on the "21k"?
    Help Needed on Bayonet MarkingsHelp Needed on Bayonet Markings


    A 1940 scabbard by Alex Coppel in good shape. Has Waffenamt stamp on ball finiale. Thing I'm curious about though is under the maker's marks, "N23588k". I believe this means the scabbard was distributed to the Kriegsmarine. There is a waffenamt marking on the ball finiale.

    Help Needed on Bayonet MarkingsHelp Needed on Bayonet MarkingsHelp Needed on Bayonet MarkingsHelp Needed on Bayonet Markings

    Thanks for the thoughts
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Help Needed on Bayonet Markings  

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  3. #2


    Hello Gam..welcome to the forum.

    Looks like 2 decent Bayonets ...but will wait for deeper detail from the Bayo Gents and will give you precise answers.

    Please for any future postings please post separately each edged weapon type in their own thread for a more focused discussion on that one knife.

    Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  4. #3


    Nice bayonet, made by Mundlos 1935, question remains the high number on crossguard its a prewar serialing or postwar, should be visible is the bayonet complete with all parts WaA219 proofed? As there are not visible proof on pommel, same as the press button was secured by way that is not typical for prewar pieces. The scabbard is nice KM proofed, should be found a matching part of it bayonet, which would be probably impossible, the frog is nice early, as mentioned i believe there is 2K and roman I. which could be for 2.Kompanie, I.Battalion as shortage.

  5. #4


    Welcome Gam. As I see it, being a 1935 bayonet with no waffenamt mark, it is either made for a Reich State Authority, or possibly for the 1935 Spanish export contract. The numbers on the crossguard could indicate a Spanish contract bayonet. Scabbard is a later addition of course. Nice frog as well and great photos!

  6. #5


    Hi all,

    Thanks for the prompt and detailed responses! Appreciate all the input. Does anyone have any pictures of the 1935 Spanish contract bayonets to compare to?

  7. #6


    If it is a Spanish contract we would expect there to be a WaA mark under the wood grip and a "o" or "a" stamped under the ricasso up near the crossguard. If it doesn't have these marks then probably a German State Authority bayonet. But I suggest you don't remove the grips to have a look, as it could damage it.

  8. #7


    It would help to see there is serial number, same as other places of bayonet are wout WaA proofs?

  9. #8


    No WaA proofs anywhere. Guess this would make it a Reich State Authority issue. What were some examples of organizations/groups that would be considered Reich State Authority?

  10. #9


    The OEM Spanish contract bayonets do not have maker's marks (and/or serial numbers), but quantities of ex-Wehrmacht arms were sent to Spain although the markings are still in question without some further digging into the matter. Not this maker - one example of a German Behörden (military type bayonet but not Wehrmacht) that is minus Waffenamts, and conversely another that has Waffenamts but no maker markings comes to mind. But a six digit number has me thinking that it might be some other government and postwar. Best Regards, Fred

  11. #10


    Was able to find this thread from 2018:


    I found an almost identical bayonet near the bottom of the thread that was a S/244G. Similar font on both crossguards. Says it's an export bayonet but anyone know to where?

    Help Needed on Bayonet Markings

    See picture S244REJa.JPG

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