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Long Military bayonet, please help to ID

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    Default Long Military bayonet, please help to ID

    Thanks guys!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Long Military bayonet, please help to ID   Long Military bayonet, please help to ID  

    Long Military bayonet, please help to ID   Long Military bayonet, please help to ID  

    Long Military bayonet, please help to ID   Long Military bayonet, please help to ID  

    Long Military bayonet, please help to ID   Long Military bayonet, please help to ID  

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  3. #2


    Hello, it looks to be a German fireman's dress bayonet, however this is not my area of collecting i am sure someone will be able to confirm or refute this.


  4. #3


    It is indeed a German WWII era firemen s ks98. The frog looks to be for a k98 bayonet, however.


  5. #4


    Agree Fireman piece should have a KS98 dress frog one shown is for s84/98 as Jim P stated nice fire piece though they were not intended to fit on a rifle as there is no slot in the pommel worn as a sidearm and a dress piece by fire police. timothy

  6. #5



    this is not a bayonet....

    this is a fireman Faschinenmesser - a fascine knife

    It is a tool... not a weapon.

    The frog is a standard service frog for a Seitengewehr 84/98 or matching modells.

    And a K98 bayonet also never exist... you mean a Seitengewehr 84/98... but a Karabiner 98 k also match the Seitengewehr 98/05 and captuerd bayontes.


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