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Spitzer Stuka Etch Opinions

Article about: Hi all, I saw a Stuka etching bayonet for sale. design is Robert Klaas for Carl Julius Krebs. but now i see that Gustav Spitzer has a similair design. to my knowledge Klaas did make also edg

  1. #1

    Post Spitzer Stuka Etch Opinions

    Hi all,

    I saw a Stuka etching bayonet for sale.

    design is Robert Klaas for Carl Julius Krebs. but now i see that Gustav Spitzer has a similair design.
    to my knowledge Klaas did make also edges for Spitzer ( Wayne Techet E-Book )

    what do you guys think about this bayonet?

    Spitzer Stuka Etch OpinionsSpitzer Stuka Etch Opinions



  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Spitzer Stuka Etch Opinions
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  3. #2


    The community here would need to see greater photos of the etch itself.
    I have no doubt this etch type is in Waynes reference...but on the opposite side...these plain inexpensive dress bayos are easy to obtain to apply fake etches.
    Im not saying this may be the case with the example you posted ..but in this hobby ...if interested in any edged weapon type with an etch...you would have to be 110% sure that the etch is authentic. ...without better photos of the etch...2 photos should just say enough to leave that dress bayo alone.

    Over the years we have seen countless dress and combat bayos ruined by private enterprisers.
    What you see below is all junk
    Spitzer Stuka Etch Opinions
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  4. #3


    Ive tried to enlarge the picture. i shall ask the dealer if he can send me some more pictures.

    this etch is on the observe side which should be correctly just an odd maker for this pattern. Page 147 in Wayne's book shows the Etch on the same side but with Carl Julius Krebs Bayonet ( most likely also bought the Etch from Robert Klaas, just as what Spitzer did.

    Sadly there are indeed alot of fakes, that why i bought information first, before buying a bayonet,

    Spitzer Stuka Etch Opinions

    Regards, Rookie

  5. #4


    Well what we know about this etching design is Robert Klaas produced it for Carl Julius Krebs and a related etching with a flak gun for related company of Peter Daniel Krebs. Robert Klaas did produce other etching designs for Spitzer, but no evidence from Wayne Techet's book that the Stuka design was sold to Spitzer. This is a very rare design even on the Krebs KS98 so this increases the chance of a fraudulent concoction.
    But let's look at the design as shown here. The first thing that strikes me is the etched details are not well formed, I would point out the cockpit window detailing is inferior to the example in Techet's book of the C J Krebs example. Also the decorative border of crosses and bars is roughly etched. Thirdly on the C J Krebs example there is "Geschutzt" patent protected mark in the design. This is lacking in this supposed Spitzer version of the etching. That would seem to me unlikely. Designs were jealously guarded by the design companies like Robert Klaas. These issues would lead me to believe this is a fake etching.

  6. #5


    Thanks Anderson and Larry,

    There was maybe a possibility that it was sold, but when i enlarged the photo there is also no "Geschutz" etched into the etching.

    And indeed now that i did some more comparing with photo's the etch is kinda off.

    Gladly not bought or reserved it, Lesson learned time to look further

    Regards Rookie

  7. #6


    Not the first fake copy, here's one on a WKC blade, which shouldn't be there either.

    Spitzer Stuka Etch Opinions

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