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Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

Article about: Hi All, Below I have two recently acquired bayonets. The first is a short dress NCO bayonet, manufactured by H.Naubert. Lots of pitting on this salty example, however this was found with som

  1. #1

    Default Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    Hi All,
    Below I have two recently acquired bayonets. The first is a short dress NCO bayonet, manufactured by H.Naubert. Lots of pitting on this salty example, however this was found with some other items that belonged to my grandfather who collected various knives.

    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

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  3. #2

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    The second is unknown to me, however appears to be of German manufacture. Possibly Imperial?

    There are several proof marks on the bayo as well as the leather frog. The leather frog is also marked as being manufactured in Frankfurt.

    I've tried searching for the proof marks as well as this style of bayo, however no luck.

    Any help in identifying this bayonet would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

  4. #3

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    The second one is a Norwegian Model 1894 I think

  5. #4

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    I believe Richie B is right. The second one is a Norwegian bayonet for the Norwegian Krag Jørgensen rifle(Ever though about selling it?)
    Best Regards

    Vegard T.
    Looking for militaria from HKB 31./977, HKB 32./977, HKB 38./977 or militaria related to Norway

  6. #5

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    Thanks, gentlemen! That's exactly what it is!

    I appreciate the offer, Vegar, however at this time I'm not looking to sell.

  7. #6

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    I understand, let me know if you change your mind.
    Also: I think your bayonet is unit marked(Quite usual). If I am not mistaken, it says "D.R.6" on the bayonet frog. Which would stand for 6th Dragoon Regiment.
    Best Regards

    Vegard T.
    Looking for militaria from HKB 31./977, HKB 32./977, HKB 38./977 or militaria related to Norway

  8. #7

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    The frog looks like german made, so probably from first contract or a rework piece? It doesnt look like a DR stamp.

  9. #8

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    Thanks for the input, gentlemen. If not regimental markings, what would the DR6 stamped on the reverse signify? An acceptance or reissue mark?

  10. #9

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    IMO H.NAUBERT is the distributor

  11. #10

    Default re: Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet

    The frog is German produced, it is not that uncommon. In fact, 33,500 Krag Jørgensen rifles were produced by Steyr(Even though that is Austrian). I have seen a lot of German produced equipment, and as said before, it is quite common.

    Also: I am pretty sure it says "D.R.6" in the attached photo. They are usually unit marked as well.

    EDIT: Actually, it looks more like "I.R.6" after looking closer. Which would stand for "6th Infantry Regiment"

    Unknown Bayonet and a Short Dress Bayonet
    Best Regards

    Vegard T.
    Looking for militaria from HKB 31./977, HKB 32./977, HKB 38./977 or militaria related to Norway

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