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SS open collar tunic?

Article about: Hello to all, this is my first post here, hopefully I can add something to the discussions. This weekend I acquired this tunic and am anxious to get some input on it. It definitely appears t

  1. #61


    THANK YOU for your reply, and I get your sensitivity to the designation you make reference to, but there are real points to be made, and here is one. The SS tunic pictured on this site which after being commented on by members of this forum, resulted in that early pattern SS grey-green field tunic Dienströcke with insignia unfortunately being stripped of all it's insignia after comments about collar tabs were actually reproductions, as comments were made here on this forum, am simply aghast that comments from this site had triggered that person to go and remove the insignia without further research...and the guy/member was not rude to anyone on the forum, as it has been carefully read, but that guy/member or members were clearly snubbed by this forum and its participating members about manners, etc., and was basically deserted by the forum, which will probably happen to me to for speaking out...and no im not a previous member whatsoever, just very disappointed in big time members who spout off about who's not nice enough or grateful instead of the true purpose..please get your priority straight, said my peace now you can expel me if that insulted any high rollers.....

  2. # ADS

  3. #62


    Quote by THINKSMALLMISS View Post
    THANK YOU for your reply, and I get your sensitivity to the designation you make reference to, but there are real points to be made, and here is one. The SS tunic pictured on this site which after being commented on by members of this forum, resulted in that early pattern SS grey-green field tunic Dienströcke with insignia unfortunately being stripped of all it's insignia after comments about collar tabs were actually reproductions, as comments were made here on this forum, am simply aghast that comments from this site had triggered that person to go and remove the insignia without further research...and the guy/member was not rude to anyone on the forum, as it has been carefully read, but that guy/member or members were clearly snubbed by this forum and its participating members about manners, etc., and was basically deserted by the forum, which will probably happen to me to for speaking out...and no im not a previous member whatsoever, just very disappointed in big time members who spout off about who's not nice enough or grateful instead of the true purpose..please get your priority straight, said my peace now you can expel me if that insulted any high rollers.....
    I think you should read the thread again, it was not the first person who posted this tunic that was "snubbed" by the membership here. It was the second person who said he is now the owner of this tunic and he was "snubbed" for not being appreciative enough and giving the impression that the membership here was not qualified enough to give an accurate assessment of this tunic.
    Even I can see that the collar tabs on this tunic that started this thread were not even of the same size. The eagle was also identified as a fake.
    So, what would you like to know about this "humped up" tunic?
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  4. #63

    Default Na und.....

    "THANK YOU for your reply, and I get your sensitivity to the designation you make reference to, but there are real points to be made, and here is one. The SS tunic pictured on this site which after being commented on by members of this forum, resulted in that early pattern SS grey-green field tunic Dienströcke with insignia unfortunately being stripped of all it's insignia after comments about collar tabs were actually reproductions, as comments were made here on this forum, am simply aghast that comments from this site had triggered that person to go and remove the insignia without further research...and the guy/member was not rude to anyone on the forum, as it has been carefully read, but that guy/member or members were clearly snubbed by this forum and its participating members about manners, etc., and was basically deserted by the forum, which will probably happen to me to for speaking out...and no im not a previous member whatsoever, just very disappointed in big time members who spout off about who's not nice enough or grateful instead of the true purpose..please get your priority straight, said my peace now you can expel me if that insulted any high rollers....."

    I note this criticism, and please kindly accept my rejection of your criticism of this site, my colleagues, and lastly, of myself. I am not insulted by what you write here,
    although, apparently, you cannot accept the facts we state about this item. Various persons of far greater experience than myself patiently have tried to deal
    with what is a confusing and contradicted event, all too typical of those who seek to collect SS regalia, but who are wholly out of their league.

    My work on this site comprises 24,000 posts, in which many of them--especially a handful in the last couple of weeks--offer pleasant and informative explorations
    of the attributes of authentic material. You are perfectly free to call me a fool, and a person who fails in the purpose of this site, but, I think, the evidence speaks against your assertion and hardly makes anyone take your cause....whatever that might be....very seriously.

    Persons with nefarious motives come here regularly to raid this site, to misuse it, and to assail us because we represent a threat to their aims and goals, which are less honorable than you imply. I stand by my expertise, such as it is, and especially embrace the expertise of those colleagues of mine with whom I work with great contentment and to good effect to the betterment of many.

    May I ask you what educational level you have? Do you speak German? Do you have a collection? Are you prepared to take a competence test
    in SS regalia? Finally, why do you insist on using such odd nomenclature to describe an item? "M - 19 34" is collector baby talk.

    We could pose to you a series of questions to ascertain your expertise, but that would irritate some who find such a thing elitist, but which, I think, should be a requirement here, especially if one wants to cast doubt on our expertise.

    There was something odd about this grey tunic from the start. And its odd meandering from peculiar sounding poster to peculiar sounding poster makes the thing more odd.

    The insignia were not authentic. The grey tunic may or may not be authentic, and none of us can tell with what we have seen via this medium.
    We patiently suggested a modus procendi to examine it by the persons here, which was apparently not carried out and so forth.

    In fact, my colleagues and I should be paid a healthy fee for our expertise.

    In the early years of my time on this site, I endeavored to be patient with this sort of malarkey, but in the last year I have grown bitter with these digital spasms, especially when they come in the face of lots of authentic material, which it has taken others and myself decades and a huge expense to amass and which we share for the use of others. I receive some thanks, but more than an average amount of jealous abuse and insults from just such persons as have tossed up here.

    I do realize that the public examination of these things is, at times, jarring and less than comfortable, but the SS as a subject is just that.
    It was a violent organization of political thugs who took upon themselves the brutal reorganization of German and European society with mass murder,
    and then failed in a catastrophic way leaving behind an indelible impression on the world's mind. Part of this process includes the fake regalia,
    which we struggle to manage like the people who spray oily substances on stale water to prevent marauding insects.

    You can go to other experts of your choosing, get them to offer a statement of authenticity with evidence and so forth, which we are happy to examine.
    However, what this thread underscores to me, at least, is the enduring malarkey that goes with much of this stuff.
    Last edited by Friedrich-Berthold; 02-21-2017 at 05:44 PM.

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