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(Antique) helmets in Ukranian use

Article about: This thread is for posting images and details about rare, antique, or otherwise extraordinary helmets that are being used in the current (2022) Ukrainian conflict. In my country (the Netherl

  1. #1

    Default (Antique) helmets in Ukranian use

    This thread is for posting images and details about rare, antique, or otherwise extraordinary helmets that are being used in the current (2022) Ukrainian conflict. In my country (the Netherlands) military helmets, mainly cold war era steel helmets, are being collected by volunteers to be shipped to Ukraine for usage there. I've heard rumors that Dutch WW2-era model helmets have also made it to Ukraine. When you come across pictures of any rather unique helmets being used in Ukraine, whether it be on the Russian side or on the Ukrainian side, feel free to post them here.

    Both Kevlar and steel helmets can be posted here, country of origin does not matter.
    However, cold war era Soviet, Czech, Hungarian, and Polish model helmets are to be expected in Ukraine, so keep posts about those helmets to a minimum, please.

    NOTE: The topic of this thread is apolitical, please discuss politics outside of this thread.

    Let's get an interesting thread going
    (Antique) helmets in Ukranian use

  2. #2


    This is interesting, but is shipping old steel helmets to Ukraine entirely sensible? Ukraine must have a *lot* of ssh40/60/68 laying about the place (I have seen photos of civilians wearing them) and if they actually need helmets at all it will be modern compos that are really required. And they have their own indigenous designs and manufacturing for that - although obviously more is better and of course local production might be impeded or halted; but also worth remembering that production of composites helmets is not heavy industry, with the right machines it can be done in your shed (being a bit frivolous there...but not much as you will know if you have ever seen a compo production line).

    Back in the days of the Crimean invasion I was contacted by a Ukrainian asking about where to get composites and querying the qualities thereof - ex British Mk6 and commercial products - I helped with some advice but was essentially useless as I am a collector not arms agent! Certainly then it was modern helmets they were after.

    I'd say that if you know anyone who wants to assist the Ukrainians tell them to send money, not old M53s.

    All the helmets I have seen so far are probably Ukrainian products or ex-Russian (hard to tell with camo covers on ) though I have seen a Slovenian T91, easy to spot even with a cover on.

  3. #3


    The only unique helmets I have spotted aren’t military related anyways. I have seen quite a few Ukrainian firemen use Cold War era German M42 style (DIN fire helmet) fire helmets in cream coloured paint with visor and leather neck flap. These were/are pretty cheap and common so I am guessing the Ukrainian government must of got them a while back in bulk

    (Antique) helmets in Ukranian use

  4. #4


    Quote by Greg Pickersgill View Post
    This is interesting, but is shipping old steel helmets to Ukraine entirely sensible? Ukraine must have a *lot* of ssh40/60/68 laying about the place (I have seen photos of civilians wearing them) and if they actually need helmets at all it will be modern compos that are really required. And they have their own indigenous designs and manufacturing for that - although obviously more is better and of course local production might be impeded or halted; but also worth remembering that production of composites helmets is not heavy industry, with the right machines it can be done in your shed (being a bit frivolous there...but not much as you will know if you have ever seen a compo production line).

    Back in the days of the Crimean invasion I was contacted by a Ukrainian asking about where to get composites and querying the qualities thereof - ex British Mk6 and commercial products - I helped with some advice but was essentially useless as I am a collector not arms agent! Certainly then it was modern helmets they were after.

    I'd say that if you know anyone who wants to assist the Ukrainians tell them to send money, not old M53s.

    All the helmets I have seen so far are probably Ukrainian products or ex-Russian (hard to tell with camo covers on ) though I have seen a Slovenian T91, easy to spot even with a cover on.

    Hey, thank you for your reply.

    I do not personally know people that are sending helmets over there, I have simply seen and heard about volunteer advertisements and efforts. I have also heard from surplus dealers about how people have been buying all the kevlar and steel helmets from their stores to donate them to Ukraine.

    Apparently there have been cries for help for military material coming from Ukraine, including helmets. These helmets are mainly meant for the massive number of civilian fighters.
    I assume that all the excess helmets that they had laying around are already well in use.

    Steel helmets are just as effective as they were when they were made, so to say that they're useless in a modern conflict is silly. They're still able to perform their task, it's just that kevlar helmets are better in most aspects.

    But to make it clear, I am NOT the one organizing these efforts nor am I in contact with them. I am just a local with a set of eyes haha

  5. #5


    Quote by Jb4046 View Post
    The only unique helmets I have spotted aren’t military related anyways. I have seen quite a few Ukrainian firemen use Cold War era German M42 style (DIN fire helmet) fire helmets in cream coloured paint with visor and leather neck flap. These were/are pretty cheap and common so I am guessing the Ukrainian government must of got them a while back in bulk

    (Antique) helmets in Ukranian use
    Yes I have spotted those as well! It's becoming popular as of now to donate helmets to Ukraine. We'll probably see the effects of that in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open and feel free to post here!

  6. #6


    I didn't at any point say steel helmets are useless, clearly they have utility, especially for civilians/support troops. My point is that there are many other things much more useful to the Ukrainian citizenry and their war effort. But then again doing something is better than nothing.

    My suggestion about sending money was slightly misplaced, though; I live in Wales and for obvious reasons sending material goods to Ukraine is extremely difficult. For those of you in mainland Europe the situation is much simpler, so load up your vans and start your engines.

    And good luck for spotting donated helmets - in my experience almost everything looks the same once it has a camouflage cover on it.

  7. #7


    (Antique) helmets in Ukranian use

    British volunteer arriving with MK6 helmet

  8. #8


    Quote by Greg Pickersgill View Post
    I didn't at any point say steel helmets are useless, clearly they have utility, especially for civilians/support troops. My point is that there are many other things much more useful to the Ukrainian citizenry and their war effort. But then again doing something is better than nothing.

    My suggestion about sending money was slightly misplaced, though; I live in Wales and for obvious reasons sending material goods to Ukraine is extremely difficult. For those of you in mainland Europe the situation is much simpler, so load up your vans and start your engines.

    And good luck for spotting donated helmets - in my experience almost everything looks the same once it has a camouflage cover on it.
    Hey Greg,

    Maybe I interpreted it wrong then :P
    ''and if they actually need helmets at all it will be modern compos that are really required'' Read to me that you meant that they wouldn't be of any use, but I guess that that was a miscommunication
    You also mentioned that it isn't that hard to manufacture composite helmets? I am rather curious about that. Have there been any examples in a conflict where the population handmade combat composite helmets? I kind of have my doubts that anyone with a hardware store nearby could make a combat usable composite helmet, but I don't mind being proven wrong.

    Nonetheless, civilians are apparently desperate to get their hands on steel and Kevlar and helmets from allover Europe are being send over there, so let's get the thread back on track and keep our eyes open

    (P.S. I'd like to see a those Ukrainian/Soviet camo covers being fitted around WW2 Dutch, German, etc helmet models haha)

  9. #9


    Saw this image on the news the other day. It looks to me like a third model French M51 based on how close the straps are to the rim.

    (Antique) helmets in Ukranian use

  10. #10


    Quote by ShapedSteel View Post
    but I guess that that was a miscommunication
    Yeah, that's about it, a failure to communicate.

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