11-19-2013 11:03 PM
Circuit advertisement
Well page 26 is interesting! Instructed in spionage and photographing in opertaional area's.
In erster Linie zu verwenden als: Stellvertretender Truppfuhrer in einem Bautrupp. Translation: In the first instance to be employed as deputy Troop Leader in a Construction Unit.
In zweiter Linie zu verwenden als: Stoerungs....Translation: In the second instance to be employed as: Line-disruption repair.
cheers, Glenn
Last edited by bigmacglenn; 11-20-2013 at 01:31 AM.
Post #5
7-Familienstand: Verh (Verheiratet/Married) 24 Oct.31
9-Mother's Maiden Name: Magdalena Kleng
cheers, Glenn