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Organisation Todt Dienstbuch

Article about: This book was issued in 1944 to a 50 year old man named Aloys Dohr. He was promoted to Baufuhrer. There is a nice entry page glued into the book stating that he was allowed to wear the yello

  1. #1

    Default Organisation Todt Dienstbuch

    This book was issued in 1944 to a 50 year old man named Aloys Dohr. He was promoted to Baufuhrer.

    There is a nice entry page glued into the book stating that he was allowed to wear the yellow "Deutsche Wehrmacht" armband and was to be treated as an Officer combatant.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Organisation Todt Dienstbuch   Organisation Todt Dienstbuch  

    Organisation Todt Dienstbuch   Organisation Todt Dienstbuch  

    Organisation Todt Dienstbuch  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Organisation Todt Dienstbuch

    Hi Ade,

    Yes, very very nice item indeed, its condition is good.I have 2 OT items, but bad bad bad shape. Did ur man work in Germany or the east too? interesting.


  4. #3

    Default Re: Organisation Todt Dienstbuch

    Hi Neil, glad you like it. But there are pages missing out of mine too. It only runs to page 12. Not sure how many these buchs should have?

    This was the one I refered to in the other thread. Now, in my collection notes, I have witten on how he worked in Poland on a defence line? Now I am blowed if I know where I got that info from!

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Organisation Todt Dienstbuch

    Hi Ade,

    That is the same case with me, sometimes I forget how I got the information too. I believe that information you can always trace, if you did it once you can do it again 8)


  6. #5

    Default Re: Organisation Todt Dienstbuch

    Quote by Adrian Stevenson View Post
    Hi Neil, glad you like it. But there are pages missing out of mine too. It only runs to page 12. Not sure how many these buchs should have?
    it should have 39 pages. If you want i can scan them for you.
    Inside I found also a card from Lasaret (well, I'm not sure but it looks that way)

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