If anyone can assist in helping to decipher this Soldbuch, it would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
If anyone can assist in helping to decipher this Soldbuch, it would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Helmut Erhardt was issued his Soldbuch on 26th August 1939 while he was already serving in the Heer with the rank of Gefreiter before receiving his one and only promotion to Unteroffizier in December 1939. He belonged to 6.Kompanie of Infanterie-Regiment 119 of 25.Infanterie-Division until late 1941 when he was admitted to hospital.
From then to 1944 he spent time in various hospitals and depot training and rehabilitaion units before being assigned to Landesschützen-Bataillon 406 which was used for rear-area security and guarding PoW camps. In 1945 it was incorporated into Oberrhein-Regiment 14 before being incorporated in to Grenadier-Rgt 743 of 719.Infanterie-Division in April 1945.
On page 3 is the signature of Oberleutnant Adalbert Apel who was killed in action on 30th June 1941 at Rowno and more interestingly, the top signature on page 23 is Oberleutnant Hans Huzel who ended the war as a Major and won the Knights Cross on 18th February 1945.
Thank you very much for taking the time to help me out.
Kind regards,
Hi Colin.
I think that is the most cheerful photo I have ever seen in a Soldbuch!
Here is what I can read on page 12 -
4.11.1941 - Gelbsucht (jaundice) *
21.7.1942 - Kniegelenk verletzungen (knee joint injuries)
29.7.1942 - 34 (accident or self mutilation)
3.8.1942 - Unfall Kniegelenk (accident knee joint)
* I am not 100% sure about the second word, maybe augen or something along those lines.
Kind regards,
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