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Wehrpaß homefront medical units

Article about: Hello everyone. Here we have a war time Wehrpaß to a soldier who joined the military in 1940 and served on the home front in various medical related units. Page 2 - The information on this

  1. #1

    Default Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Hello everyone.

    Here we have a war time Wehrpaß to a soldier who joined the military in 1940 and served on the home front in various medical related units.

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Page 1 -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    The information on this page shows his Wehrnummer (military registration number). The first two digits are the holders year of birth, the next group of digits identify the registration precinct and the last one his consecutive number on the registration roster. Nummer der Erkennungsmarke (details of dog tag). The dog tag entry is H. S. ST. 10 Rosenheim = Roll number 10 - Heeres Sanitätsstaffel Rosenheim.

    This information was then stamped and signed by the Oberstleutnant und Kommandeur (Lieutenant Colonel and Commander) of Wehrbezirkskommando (Defence District Command) Rosenheim.

    Page 2 -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Page 3 (personal information) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Hubert Werner was born on the 18th of September 1906 in Vilsbiburg, Seifriedswörth. Vilsbiburg is a town on the river Große Vils, 18km southeast of Landshut. Seifriedswörth (until 1935 also Seÿfriedswörth) is a part of the municipality of Wurmsham in the district of Landshut, in Bavaria, Germany. His profession is noted as Schneidermeister (Master tailor), his religion is Kath = Katholisch (Catholic) and his marital status was updated from Ledig (single) to Vehr = verheiratet (married). His parents are mentioned at the bottom of the page. His father was called Johann and his mother was called Katharia, maiden name Gunzinger.

    Vilsbiburg -

    Vilsbiburg - Wikipedia

    Seifriedswörth -

    Seifriedsworth – Wikipedia

    Page 4 (personal information continued) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Volks und Fortbild Schule

    Fortbild = Fortbildung (further training school)

    The German term Volksschule generally refers to compulsory education, denoting an educational institution every person (i.e. the people, Volk) is required to attend.

    Volksschule - Wikipedia

    Further training school is usually understood to mean adult education. Adult learning is usually related to continuing vocational training, Vocational education is education that prepares people for a skilled crafts as an artisan, trade as a tradesperson or work as a technician. This fits in with Huberts profession of Schneidermeister (Master tailor).

    Schwimmer = Swimming award/qualification.

    At the bottom of the page are the details of his next of kin. In this case his (Ehfrau) wife Olga, who resided on Johannis Straße 69, Gars am Inn.

    Gars is a municipality in the district of Mühldorf in Bavaria in Germany.

    Gars am Inn - Wikipedia

    Page 5 (registation for military service) -

    Dienstflichtiger = conscript.

    On the 8th of May 1939 he was noted as Tauglich (suitable) and classifed as Ersatzreserve I, which means fully trained and under the age of 35.

    On the 26th of April 1940 he was reassessed and classified as a.v Heimat = arbeitsverwendungsfähig Heimat, meaning suitable for duty in the homeland. This was the lowest category for military service meaning he could only undertake light duties. He was then placed in Ersatz Reserve II, meaning partially trained and under 35 years of age.

    Page 6 -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Heranziehung zur kurzfristigen Ausbildung

    Use for short-term training

    This information is stamped and signed on the 8th of May 1939 again by Oberstleutnant und Kommandeur (Lieutenant Colonel and Commander) of Wehrbezirkskommando (Defence District Command) Rosenheim.

    Page 11 (entrance into military service) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    On the 5th of March 1940 he entered military service and underwent a physical, then was assigned to 2./Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61, München. He was classified as g.v.F = garnisonsverwendungsfähig Feld (fit for garrison duty, field).

    Because he was given the g.v.F classification at the time of his physical, the bottom of the page was filled in. The three entries show where he was sent to, in this case Gars 69 which is likely the same address noted for his wife from page 4, dated the 21st of March 1940 and finally the recruitment office (in Wasserburg) where he was sent back to.

    The second entry at the top of the page is dated the 26th of June 1940 and shows he was assigned to Sanitäts Ausbildung Kommando. Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 München and was now classified as g.v.H = garnisonsverwendungsfähig Heimat (fit for garrison duty, Homefront).

    Vereidigt am 29 Juni 1940.

    Sworn in on the 29th of June 1940.

    The above process of him joining the military, being assigned to Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61, then reassigned to Sanitäts Ausbildung Kommando. Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 can be seen in the first two entries on page 12.

    Of note is that to the right under the second entry at the top (Einstellung), you can see an entry that says see page 5 and 26.

    Page 12 (unit list) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    5.3.40 - 21.3.40 - 2./Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61
    25.6.40 - 24.7.40 - Sanitäts Ausbildung Kommando. Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 München
    26.4.1941 - 31.5.1941 - Heeres Sanitätsstaffel München
    31.5.41 - 22.12.41 - Heeres Sanitätsstaffel München
    23.12.41 - 23.12.41 - Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 Reserve E (Entlaß)
    23.6.42 - 8.7.42 - 6./Kompanie Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 München
    8.7.42 - 1.6.44 - Heeres Sanitätsstaffel Gars am Inn
    1.6.44 - 7.6.45 - Sanitätsabteilung München. Heeres Sanitätsstaffel Attl

    5.3.40 - 21.6.40 - 2./Company Infantry Replacement Battalion 61
    25.6.40 - 24.7.40 - Medical Training Command. Medical Replacement Department 7 Munich
    26.4.1941 - 31.5.1941 - Army Medical Unit Munich
    31.5.41 - 22.12.41 - Army Medical Unit Munich
    23.12.41 - 23.12.41 - Medical Replacement Department 7 Reserve E (Discharged)
    23.6.42 - 8.7.42 - 6./Company Medical Replacement Department 7 Munich
    8.7.42 - 1.6.44 - Army Medical Squadron Gars am Inn
    1.6.44 - 7.6.45 - Medical Department Munich. Army Medical Unit Attl

    Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61 -

    Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 61 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 -

    Sanitätsabteilung München -

    Previously posted Wehrpaß to a soldier who was initially with 3./Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61 -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Page 21 - (training - courses)

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    4 wöchige Grundausbildung von 25.6.40 bis 24.7.40 bei Sanitäts Ausbildung Kommando. Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 München.
    Sanitäts Prügung nach D16 am 26.5.41 Bestanden.

    4 weeks basic training from 25.6.40 to 24.7.40 at the Medical Training Command. Medical Replacement Department 7 Munich.
    Medical examination passed according to D16 on 26.5.41.

    This is stamped and signed by Oberstarzt (Dr Colonel) und Führer der Heeres Sanitätsstaffel Münich.

    Page 22 (promotions) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    26.5.41 - Sanitäts Soldat F.d.R.

    F.d.R. = Für die Richtigkeit (for the correctness/accuracy)

    This is stamped and signed by an Oberstleutnant of Wehrmeldeamt Wasserburg am Inn.

    Page 24 (release from military service) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    The details on this page show the date he was released from military service (13th of March 1940), his rank (for some reason this looks like Lds Schtz = Landesschützen), where he was released to (this looks like München, Dietlinden Straße) and the unit he was released from (2./Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61 Münich). Following this is his last unit rosrer number (507640), his reason for discharge (Laut ärztlIche befund von 13.3.40
    nach S 47 auf 3 Monate zurückgestellt = According to the medical report from March 13, 1940, it was postponed to 3 months according to S 47), the results of his discharge physical (Entlassfähig = dischargeable) and finally the recruitment headquarters or recruitment deport his files are being sent to (W.B.K = Wehrbezirkskommando Münich II).

    Page 25 -

    The bottom of this page shows he was informed about spies, sabotage and espionage prevention along with the penalties for revealing any military secrets. This was stamped, signed and dates by the officer from his unit.

    Of note is that there is a little annotation that says see pages 5 and 26 at the bottom left of the page. XXXXXX

    Page 26 (additional information about military service) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    This entry looks like it is a continuation from the previous page.

    Wiedereinstellung am 25.6.40 beim Sanitäts Ausbildung Kommando. Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 München. Belehrt uber Geheimhaltung militarische Dingen und
    Werner Hubert
    Unterschrift der Belehrten.

    Einstellungsuntersuchung: 25.6.42 - 6./Kompanie Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7

    Reinstatement on 25 of June 1940 at the medical training command. Medical replacement department 7 Munich. Instructs about secrecy in military matters and
    Werner Hubert
    Signature of those taught.

    Recruitment examination: 25th of June 1942 - 6./Company Medical Replacement Department 7

    Of note is that there is a little annotation that says see pages 5, 11 and 25 at the top left of the page.

    Page 27 (additional information about military service) -

    Entlass: Krankenträger
    Am: 25 Juli 1940
    Von: Sanitäts Ausbildung Kommando. Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7 München

    Dismissed: stretcher bearer
    On: The 25th of july 1940
    From: Medical Training Command. Medical Replacement Department 7 Munich

    I am not sure about the codes and their meaning, so please let me know if you have any insight, suggestion or ideas.

    Page 36 (service and reserve status) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    He was classed as Reserve I. This means he was classed as an inactive Reserve, fully trained and under 35 years of age. This classification entry was stamped and dated by the recruitment office that assigned the classification (Wehrmeldeamt Wasserburg am Inn).

    Page 37 (additional promotions) -

    1.9.42 - Gefreiter
    1.1.44 - Sanitäts Obergefreiter

    Page 47 (release from service) -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    This entry shows that he was released from active service as he was considered indispensable because of his occupation, Schneidermeister (Master tailor). He was still in the military system, but was now classified as Landwehr I, which means trained between 35 and 45 years of age. At the same time he was given the standard instructions/lecture on keeping military secrets etc.

    Gem (Gemäß) Verfgg (Verfügung) Uk. - Stellung (Unabkömmlichstellung)
    W.B.K (Wehrbezirkskommando) Rosenheim II 11 377/41
    von 9.12.41

    am 23.12.41
    nach ärztliche Untersuchung und Belehrung über
    Spionage, Sabotage, Landesverrat, Wahrung
    des Dienstgeheimnisses, Wehrüberwachung, Fürsorge
    und Versorgung, Heilbehandlung entlassen
    nach Gars am Inn
    als: Sanitäts Soldat - Landwehr I
    ärztliche Urteil: K.V = kriegsverwendungsfähig
    entlassenfähig, Behandlung
    nicht erforderlich

    Sanitäts Ersatz Abteilung 7. Reserve E (Entlaß)

    Indispensable according to the decree.
    Defense District Command Rosenheim II 11 377/41
    from 9.12.41

    on 23.12.41
    after a medical examination and instruction on
    Espionage, sabotage, treason, preservation
    of official secrecy, military surveillance, welfare,
    care and medical treatment, he was discharged
    to Gars am Inn
    as: Medical soldier - Landwehr I
    Medical verdict: K.V = fit for military use

    dischargeable, treatment not required
    Signed by an Assistant Doctor of Medical Replacement Department 7. Reserve E (Discharged)

    Rear cover -

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Normally I wouldn't have added a photo of the rear cover, but it has an interesting stamped cross on it. If anyone has an idea what this represents, I would be interested to hear.
    Last edited by Willmore; 06-04-2024 at 02:26 PM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Wehrpaß homefront medical units
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  3. #2


    Nice wehrpass Will. I wonder if that cross could be medical related. It is interesting, even the fact that its stamped should mean it means something, but what dear watson?

  4. #3


    Thanks Rose. That is a good shout about the cross. It being stamped Wehrbezirkskommando (Defence District Command) Rosenheim might point to it being done by at the time he was registered and it you look at page 6, it is the same stamp.

  5. #4


    Page 1 is signed by Oberstleutnant Philipp Rauch (born 08-08-1881, died 01-10-1961) who was promoted to Oberst in 1940. Unfortunately I am unable to find any details about him.

  6. #5


    Thanks you once again Hucks for the valuable information. It is great to know who the signature belongs to.

    Kind regards,


  7. #6


    I can’t put a definitive answer to the marking on the rear cover, I’ve a couple similarly marked which I will add here for perusal.

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    Wehrpaß homefront medical units

    You will see that the former owners were very different in age, one being a Great War veteran. Both men survived the war and my own hypothesis of the mark being when they were transferred to the Army reserve doesn’t hold water.

  8. #7


    Thanks BC.

    I wonder if it could mean that the holder had left the military altogether, eg the Wehrpaß is closed?

    Kind regards,


  9. #8


    Quote by Willmore View Post
    Thanks BC.

    I wonder if it could mean that the holder had left the military altogether, eg the Wehrpaß is closed?

    Kind regards,

    If that was the case I would expect to see more WP so marked?

  10. #9


    Quote by BlackCat1982 View Post
    If that was the case I would expect to see more WP so marked?
    Yeah, that would make sense BC, it is the only example I have in the collection that is marked in such a way. Looking at the example you posted on the left, you can see it is stamped Wehrbezirkskommando and dated 22.11.43, which are the same details on page 5. So on your example it could point to the stamp being added during the holders first registration for military service.

  11. #10


    Quote by Willmore View Post
    Yeah, that would make sense BC, it is the only example I have in the collection that is marked in such a way. Looking at the example you posted on the left, you can see it is stamped Wehrbezirkskommando and dated 22.11.43, which are the same details on page 5. So on your example it could point to the stamp being added during the holders first registration for military service.
    Yes Will that certainly appears to be the implication of the first one, the WWI veteran. The second example belonged to a younger Funker who volunteered in 1939 and was discharged in 1943, although there are stamps until 1945. So for him it's not so clear when the "cross" was added to his WP.

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