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Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

Article about: Hi guys, Here is another first-time purchase, but of a wehrpass. This wehrpass belongs to Gefreiter Viktor Franz Maurer who served with 2/Geb.Jag.Regt.91 under the 4th Gebirgsjager Div. His

  1. #1

    Default Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    Hi guys,
    Here is another first-time purchase, but of a wehrpass.

    This wehrpass belongs to Gefreiter Viktor Franz Maurer who served with 2/Geb.Jag.Regt.91 under the 4th Gebirgsjager Div. His military career was relatively short with his wehrpass being opened on 27.6.1939 and subsequently closed on 30.9.1941 when he died from a gunshot wound to the heart at age 22 in nordostw. Baltsokaja-Polejorka, would've been 23 two months later. He was awarded the Wound badge in black, with no date. Is there somewhere in the pass that shows hospital stuff? I don't think I saw anything saying lazarette, could it be a posthumous award? While there aren't many entries or awards, I still find it to be a nice humble wehrpass.

    I am only posting pages with entries. Also, His photo was really hard to scan and picture because of shine of the oldschool ink, but I tried to do a good one.

    Date of birth: 02.11.1919
    Place of birth: Wien
    Death/missing date: 30.09.1941
    Death/missing place: nordostw. Baltsokaja-Polejorka
    Service Rank: Gefreiter

    Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91
    Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

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    Circuit advertisement Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91
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  3. #2

    Default 4-7,10-13

    Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

  4. #3

  5. #4


    Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    I'm not sure what these tickets are? They were in the fold pocket of the front page.

    Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    And finally, to end it all his Casualty card.
    Wehrpass Viktor-Franz Maurer 2.Komp.Geb.Jag.Regt.91

    Gefallen: I. g. Herz. Infanterie geschuss herz. Infantry gunshot heart.


  6. #5


    Medical information might be written on pages 27-31 but not not always. There might be notes of vaccinations or wounds but in the case of KIA most often not. If he had died of wounds there might have been something but it seems his was a quick death.

  7. #6


    Hi Rose.

    Great Wehrpaß, thank you for sharing it with us.

    Page 32 -

    19.11.40 bis 20.3.41 - Aufstellung im Heimatkriegsgebiet
    1. - 5.4.40 - Einmarsch in Bulgarien
    Balkan Feldzug:
    6. - 9.4.41 - Durchbruchsschlacht durch die Metaxas linie und Eroberung von Saloniki
    10 - 14.4.41 - Kämpfe bei Vevi-Ptolemais und Durchstoß zum Aliakmon
    Sicherung des Balkanraums:
    18.4 - 6.6.41 - Sicherung der ehemaliges Jugoslawien raums
    Rußland Feldzug:
    22.6.41 bis 30.6.1941 - Teilnahme am Feldzug gegen Rußland

    19.11.40 to 20.3.41 - Deployment in the home war zone
    1. - 5.4.40 - Invasion of Bulgaria
    Balkan Campaign:
    6. - 9.4.41 - Breakthrough battle through the Metaxas line and capture of Thessaloniki
    10 - 14.4.41 - Battles at Vevi-Ptolemais and Penetration to the Aliakmon
    Securing the Balkans:
    18.4 - 6.6.41 - Securing the former Yugoslavia
    Russian Campaign:
    22.6.41 to 30.6.1941 - Participation in the campaign against Russia

    Metaxas Line -

    Metaxas-Linie – Wikipedia

    Aliakmon (Haliacmon River) -

    Haliacmon - Wikipedia

    Battle of Vevi (1941) -

    Battle of Vevi (1941) - Wikipedia

    Page 34 -

    15.7.41 - Granatsplitter Linkes Knie (Shrapnel left knee). So this shows his wound badge was awarded prior to his death on 30.9.41.

    As for the tickets, it is a guess but maybe his family had to take the Wehrpaß somewhere to get a death certificate of something along those lines, so they just stored them there.

    Kind regards,


  8. #7


    Ha! Thanks guys,

    If I had paid attention in my excitement/haste to download and scan, I would've noticed the top page of 34! Wounds and serious diseases. Well, I feel a bit of a fool for missing that but hey, it's a new thing to me, first one and posting helps me learn

    Blackcat, it would seem a quick death as you said. Better that than to suffer.

    Thanks Will, for all the information laid out. It will help me study it closer


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