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Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

Article about: Hi Guys, Here is a wehrpass to Sanitat-Oberfeldwebel Willi Gründ who served under the 150/50th infantry division. While it's not directly related to my area of the 4th Gebirgsjager division

  1. #1

    Default Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    Hi Guys,

    Here is a wehrpass to Sanitat-Oberfeldwebel Willi Gründ who served under the 150/50th infantry division. While it's not directly related to my area of the 4th Gebirgsjager division it is in a way, as the 50th infantry division served some time under the XXXXIX 49th Gebirgs Armee-korps in 1943. And it appears to have fought alongside the 4th and 1 Gebirgsjager divisions in several areas over different months in 43. He was well decorated for his years of fighting and saving lives. His military profession is near to my heart as I was also a combat medic.

    It's apparent that this is a replacement for the original since most all the writing seems to be by the same hand. The earliest entry I've found in it is 1934 and according to the note on page 47 it was due to enemy action. This wehrpass is a 3rd type and was opened Juli 12 1944.

    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID MedicWehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    I did not write this out. It appears to be a prayer card tho.
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID MedicWehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Last edited by rheppler; 05-15-2024 at 11:03 PM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Join Date
    Advertising world

  3. #2

    Default Pg2-3,10-11,12-13,20-21

    Sanitat-Oberfeldwebel Willi Grund was 5'3" (my height!) With grey eyes, black hair and body type Kraftig-Strong. He has a special characteristic of Narbe auf der rechten Stirn. Scar on the right forehead.

    He was born on 26 April 1912 in Berlin to Wilhelm and Martha Grund. I think he was an evangelist, single, and his job was a Dental Technician (zahntechniker).

    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    Before recruitment assessment
    11.(r or v?) A.R. 3 Tauglich (fit)

    11.Batte.(r or v) Art.Regt.3

    Sworn in
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    11.(r or v)A.R.3 and 1.l.A.A.S Ohrdruf

    San.Komp.1/150 stamm #50

    Korps San. Kp.406 stamm #50

    It appears that the unit may have changed names because the Division reorganized in June of 1944 near Perleberg.
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    L.F.K 16
    Feld. Kan 16
    Pistole 08

    Special Education:
    Funker, Fernsprecher and Reiter.

    Unteroffizier training course in San.komp.2/150 in Frankfurt.
    San. training school course at the from 12-21.7.43. Final examination according to D.16 According to the decree/order Divisional Doctor 50th Infantry Division from 22.7.43 passed

    Continued on page 29.

    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

  4. #3

    Default pg22,24-25,26,29

    1.4.35 Gefreiter
    27.5.36 Uffz?
    1.10.39 Uffz.
    1.11.40 Feldwebel
    22.7.43 San. Feldwebel
    1.2.44 San. Oberfeldwebel
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    pg 24.25
    31.7.41 Ek2----50th ID
    11.8.41Konigin Maria Kreuz Orden III klass
    23.5.42 Ek1----50th ID 19.5.42
    1.8.42 Ostmedaille
    5.7.42/24.1.43 Black wound badge
    24.1.43 Krim Shield--- A.O.K 17, 26.8.42
    1.3.43 Rumanian Crusade against communism with Krim spange
    27.9.44 Infantry Assault badge----50th ID
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    Never saw this medal before! Konigin Maria Kreuz Orden III klass
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    29.1. 36
    Rank: Gefr and Uffz--Aktv
    Place released from :Berlin S.O 36 Skalitzer Staße
    Released from Unit: 1. L.Art.Abt. Ohdruf.
    Type of Dismissal: Nach ablauf der Freiw Dienstzeit: After the end of the voluntary service period
    Drs. Verdict: reason and dismissed.
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    pg29 more from page 21
    San. Feldw. G. has participated in the San. Oberfeldwebel examination and passed. Feldlazarett 150(mot).

    San. Feldw. G. has sucessfully participated in the gas protection course. In Starotitarowskaya Kuban.

    San. Ofw. Grund took part in the anti-tank combat course at the Heeresgruppen Führerschule Mitte, Lehrgruppe A.
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

  5. #4

    Default 30-33,48 Battle lists

    Battle lists, these I have not written out, my eyes got mad at me lol. Some interesting ones including metaxis line, Italy, France, Luxemburg, Denmark, Krim, Kuban bridge head, etc. Sevastopol. If you see an interesting line please by all means point it out!!
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    Photos of some of the 50th IDs battle areas. Sevastopol Kuban and battles that inlcude the XXXXIX gebirgs-armee korps. Geb.Jag.Div 4

    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

  6. #5

    Default pg30, 34-37,46-47

    Wounded! Pretty bad area to be hit too

    Streifschuß rechte hode vor Sewastopol
    (Grazing shot right testicle in front of Sevastopol)
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic
    Not sure what this is? Would it be his entry? Recruiting office?
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    Pg 47
    Wehrpaß Zweitschrift ??? da original durch Feindeinwirkung vernichtet (Replacement Wehrpaß because the original was destroyed by enemy action). The small entry under that I don't know.

    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    And a fun blooper while trying to search the word Kraftig
    Wehrpass Willi Gründ 150/50 ID Medic

    Thats it!

  7. #6


    Hi Rose.

    The photo of Willi is very striking.

    That award list is pretty extensive and I have ever seen the Königin Maria Kreuz Orden III klasse before, it is an interesting looking award.

    Page 22 -

    For the entry dated 27.5.1936 - Unteroffizier Anwärter and this means he is an Non-Commissioned Officer Candidate. Then the entry for 1.10.39 says he is now an Unteroffizier befördert, which means he was promoted.

    Page 36 -

    The entry on this page would show that he stopped being an active duty soldier and was now classed as Reserve I. This means he was classified as inactive reserve, fully trained and under 35 years of age. If you see page 26, he was dismissed from active duty on 29.10.1936, so page 36 shows his updated classification. It is signed WMA (Wehrmeldeamt) Berlin Tiergarten, which looks like it was a Berlin garrison.

    Garnison Berlin - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    Battle calander -

    Page 30 -

    1 - 4.9 - 4.9.1939 - Schlacht in Westpreussen
    5.9.39 - Einnahme von Bromberg
    6.9 - 18.9 - Schlacht in Reichselbogen *
    28.1 - 5.5.1940 - Abwehr bereitschaft an der Oberheimfront
    6.5 - 30.5.1940 - Vormarsch durch Luxemburg, Belgien und Nord Frankreich
    31.5 - 4.6.1940 - Aufmarsch nördlich der Somme, Aisne und Oise **
    5.6 - 6.6.1940 - Kämpfe um der Oise - Aisne Kanal, und bei Chemin des Dames ***
    7.6 - 10.6.1940 - Kämpfe um der Aisne abschnitt und Verfolgungs Kämpfe bis zur Marne ****

    1 - 4.9 - 4.9.1939 - Battle in West Prussia
    5.9.39 - Capture of Bromberg
    6.9 - 18.9 - Battle of Reichselbogen *
    28.1 - 5.5.1940 - Defensive readiness on the upper home front
    6.5 - 30.5.1940 - Advance through Luxembourg, Belgium and Northern France
    31.5 - 4.6.1940 - Deployment north of the Somme, Aisne and Oise **
    5.6 - 6.6.1940 - Battles for the Oise - Aisne canal, and at Chemin des Dames ***
    7.6 - 10.6.1940 - Battles around the Aisne section and pursuit battles up to the Marne ****

    * Reichselbogen -

    I am not sure about this, but it may refer to the German district of Elbogen, which existed between 1938 and 1945.

    Landkreis Elbogen – Wikipedia

    ** Oise-Aisne Canal -

    Canal de l'Oise a l'Aisne - Wikipedia

    *** Chemin des Dames -

    Chemin des Dames - Wikipedia

    **** Marne -

    Marne (river) - Wikipedia

    Page 31 -

    11.6 - 14.6.1940 - Kampft um die Marne und Verfolgungs bis zur Seine *
    5.6 - 20.6.1940 - Verfolgung von der Seine bis zur Loire **
    21.6 - 30.6.1940 - Sicherung der Demarkation linie
    1.7 - 5.2.1941 - Rückmarsch unf Verwendung in Heimat Kriegsgebiet
    6.2 - 1.3 - Lehrtruppe in Rumänien
    2.3 - 5.4 - Einmarsch in Bulgarien
    6.4 - 9.4.1941 - Durch bruchschlacht durch die Metaxas linie ***
    10.4 - 30.4.1941 - Verwendung im Operations gebiet während des Balkanfeldzuges
    1.5 - 9.5 - Sicherung von Griechenland

    11.6 - 14.6.1940 - Fight for the Marne and pursuit to the Seine *
    5.6 - 20.6.1940 - Pursuit from the Seine to the Loire **
    June 21 - June 30, 1940 - Securing the demarcation line
    1.7 - 5.2.1941 - March back and deployment to the home war zone
    6.2 - 1.3 - Training troops in Romania
    2.3 - 5.4 - Invasion of Bulgaria
    6.4 - 9.4.1941 - Breakthrough battle through the Metaxas line ***
    10.4 - 30.4.1941 - Used in the operational area during the Balkan Campaign
    1.5 - 9.5 - Securing Greece

    * Seine -

    ** Loire -

    *** Metaxes line -

    Page 32 -

    10.5 - 6.6.1941 - Rückmarsch der Griechenland und Bulgarien
    7.6 - 21.6 - Lehrtruppe in Rumänien
    22.6 - 2.7 - Grenzschlacht am Pruth *
    3.7 - 25.7.1941 - Durch bruch durch die Stalin-linie
    26.7 - 29.8.1941 - Verfolgungskämpfe bis zum Dnjestr **
    30.8 - 30.9.1941 - Vorstoss auf Krimenge und Durch bruch schlacht bei bei Perekop.
    1.10 - 17.10.1941 - Abwehrkämpfe in der Landenge Perekop
    18.10 - 27.10 - Durch bruchschlacht bei Isthmus ***
    28.10 - 16.11.1941 - Verfolgungskämpfe auf der Krim

    10.5 - 6.6.1941 - March back by Greece and Bulgaria
    7.6 - 21.6 - Training troops in Romania
    22.6 - 2.7 - Border Battle of the Prut *
    3.7 - 25.7.1941 - Break through the Stalin line
    26.7 - 29.8.1941 - Pursuit battles to the Dniester **
    30.8 - 30.9.1941 - Advance to the Crimean Narrow Sea and breakthrough battle near Perekop.
    1.10 - 17.10.1941 - Defensive battles in the Perekop Isthmus
    18.10 - 27.10 - Battle of the Isthmus ***
    28.10 - 16.11.1941 - Pursuit battles in the Crimea

    * There is a a river in Romania called the Prut.

    Waiting at the Prut (Abwarten am Pruth) -


    ** Dnjestr (Dniester) River -

    *** The last word looks like Isthmus -

    Page 33 -

    17.11 - 16.12.1941 -Einschliessungs kämpfe von Sewastopol
    17.12 - 31.12 - Angriff auf Sewastopol
    1.1 - 7.5.1942 - Belagerungskämpfe um die Festung Sewastopol
    8.5 - 21.5.1942 - Schlacht um die Halbinsel Kertsch und Einnahme von Kertsch *
    22.5 - 1.6.1942 - Belagerungs Kämpfe um die festung Sewastopol
    2.6 - 4.7.1942 - Angriff und Eroberung die festung Sewastopol
    5.7 - 17.11 - Sicherung der Krim
    18.11 - 31.12 - Kämpfe im Terek gebiet **
    1.1 - 11.2.1943 - Absetzen aus den Kaukasus auf den unteren Kuban
    Seite 48

    17.11 - 16.12.1941 - Sevastopol encirclement struggles
    17.12 - 31.12 - Attack on Sevastopol
    1.1 - 7.5.1942 - Siege battles for the Sevastopol Fortress
    8.5 - 21.5.1942 - Battle of the Kerch Peninsula and capture of Kerch *
    22.5 - 1.6.1942 - Siege battles for the Sevastopol fortress
    2.6 - 4.7.1942 - Attack and capture of the Sevastopol fortress
    5.7 - 17.11 - Securing Crimea
    18.11 - 31.12 - Fighting in the Terek region **
    1.1 - 11.2.1943 - Transfer from the Caucasus to the lower Kuban
    contined on page 48

    * Kerch Peninsula -

    ** The Terek is a major river in the Northern Caucasus.

    Battle of Sevastopol 30 Oct 1941 - 4 Jul 1942 -

    Page 48 (von seite 33 = continued from page 33) -

    12.2 - 8.10.1943 - Abwehrkämpge im Kuban brückenkopf
    9.10 - 31.10 - Sicherung der Krim
    1.11 - 31.12.1943 - Abwehrkämpfe auf der Krim nord front
    1.1 - 7.4.44 - Abwehrkämpre auf der Krim
    8.4.1944 - 16.4.44 - Abwehrschlacht und Absetzen auf die festung Sewastopol *
    17.4.44 - 12.5.44 - Abwehrschlacht in der festung Sewastopol und Raumung der Krim und das Schwarze Meer

    12.2 - 8.10.1943 - Defensive battles in the Kuban bridgehead
    9.10 - 31.10 - Securing Crimea
    1.11 - 31.12.1943 - Defensive battles on the Crimean northern front
    1.1 - 7.4.44 - Defense fighters in the Crimea
    8.4 - 16.4.1944 - Defensive battle and transfer to the Sevastopol fortress *
    17.4 - 12.4.1944 - Defensive battle in the Sevastopol fortress and the evacuation of the Crimea and the Black Sea

    * Crimean offensive -

    The crusty blooper made me laugh and reminded me of a line from the film California Man (Encino man) - Stoney is crustiest vato that i've ever witnessed.

    Really interesting Wehrpaß to a real combat veteran, thanks for sharing it with us.

    Kind regards,


  8. #7


    Thanks Will,

    The photo is very striking. It seems to draw you in like he has something to say.. It's a great photo in uniform with some medals shown on his ribbon bar. Many thanks for this translation and all the fun help through it. You definitely flew through that whereas it would've taken me days or longer lol. And all the additional info/sites I'll have to go through too.

    I think so far this is my favorite piece/book and I think may be shifting to wehrpass instead of soldbuch. So much more information and detail! As you said this guy was definitely a combat veteran.

    I do find that medal to be interesting, Its pretty cool actually. Wonder if that's an uncommon award, as it's the first I've ever laid eyes on.

    The river Marne makes me think of death cards and soldiers drowning. I wonder if that may have occurred here to some. The blooper definitely made me laugh, good fun when my eyes were annoyed lol. I haven't seen Encino man in many years. Good movie.

    Last edited by rheppler; 05-16-2024 at 09:04 PM.

  9. #8


    My pleasure.

    The photo really is and does. It sure is a face that had seen a lot of combat. I am glad to help and to be honest once you have translated a few, you get to know the process and what is where. For example, most of the entries for the battle in France that you see are very similar, so you recognise locations and actions which helps speed up translation.

    To be honest I prefer the Wehrpaß for that very reason. You can get a really good understanding of troop movements, battles and things like that.

    The award is an interesting one, maybe it was a foreign award?

    It must have happened with the Germans crossing many rivers during the campaign in France. Yeah, the blooper was a good one and would definitely have helped to keep up morale during translation lol.

    Kind regards,

    Last edited by Willmore; 05-16-2024 at 10:20 PM.

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