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Wherpass Marchi - help needed?

Article about: If anyone can assist in the deciphering of this Wherpass, it would be very much appreciated. Kind regards, Colin

  1. #1

    Default Wherpass Marchi - help needed?

    If anyone can assist in the deciphering of this Wherpass, it would be very much appreciated.
    Kind regards,
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Wherpass Marchi - help needed?   Wherpass Marchi - help needed?  

    Wherpass Marchi - help needed?   Wherpass Marchi - help needed?  

    Wherpass Marchi - help needed?   Wherpass Marchi - help needed?  

    Wherpass Marchi - help needed?   Wherpass Marchi - help needed?  

    Wherpass Marchi - help needed?   Wherpass Marchi - help needed?  

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  3. #2


    Essentially, Josef Marchl registered for military service on 14th February 1942, aged 17 and was called up to serve in January 1943. He trained as a signaller in Nüremberg before passing through other training units. On completion of training he joined a Marschbataillon to be transported to the front lines where he joined the Stabskompanie of I-Bataillon of Grenadier-Regiment 248 of 88.Infanterie-Division.
    It looks like he was due to be transferred back to Germany after just 6 months but he was killed in action before that could happen and today his body still lies unrecovered in its field grave near Kiev.

  4. #3


    Hi Colin.

    To expand on Hucks info.

    Page 1 -

    The information on this page shows his Wehrnummer (military registration number) Passau 24/254/4/2. The first two digits are the holders year of birth, the next group of digits identifies the registration precinct and the last one his consecutive number on the registration roster. Nummer der Kennkarte (number of identity card) A - 00 33, Nummer des Arbeitsbuches (number of work book) 291/zwei/9755 and Nummer der Erkennungsmarke (details of dog tag). The dog tag entry is Nache. Ers. Kp. 17 Nr 5454 = Roll number 5454 of Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 17.

    Page 3 (personal information) -

    His name is Josef Johann Marchl and he was born on the 14th of June 1924 in Zwiesel, Kreis (district of) Regen. His religion is noted as r.k = Römisch Katholisch (Roman Catholic), his marital status was led = ledig (single) and his occupation was kfw = Kaufmann Angestellter (business employee). At the bottom of the page the details of his parents are recorded. His father was called Alois and he was a Landwirt (agricultural worker) and his mother was called Maria, maiden name Oswald.

    Zwiesel -

    Zwiesel - Wikipedia

    Regen -

    Regen (district) - Wikipedia

    Page 4 (personal information continued) -


    The German term Volksschule generally refers to compulsory education, denoting an educational institution every person (i.e. the people, Volk) is required to attend.

    Volksschule - Wikipedia

    He has sports qualifications for -

    Radfahrer (bicycle)

    Schwimmer (swimmer)

    Skifahrer (skier)

    The details of his next of kin are at the bottom of the page. In this case it is his father Alois.

    Page 5 (registation for military service) -

    On the 14th of February 1942 he attended the Wehrbezirkskommando (military district headquarters) in Passau. Ahe top of the page you can see he was a Wehrpflichtiger (conscript), classed as Kriegsverwendungsfähig (fit for combat duty) and placed in the Ersatzreserve I (untrained conscript, fully qualified, under age of 35).

    Page 8 (Reich Labour Service) -

    He joined the Reichsarbeitsdienst on the 21st of March 1942 and below is his service record, eg what he took part in. He was released from service on the 24th of December 1942 with the rank of Arbeitsmann.

    Page 10 (Additional Reich Labour Service notations) -

    He was given a lecture about being vigilant and secrets.

    Page 11 (entrance into military service) -

    On the 13th of January 1943 he entered military service and underwent a physical, then was assigned to Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 17, Nürnberg where he was again classified as kv = Kriegsverwendungsfähig (fit for combat duty). He swore his oath on the 25th of January 1943.

    Page 12 (unit list) -

    13.1.1943 - 25.1.1943 - Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 17 Nürnberg W.
    25.1.1943 - 19.4.1943 - Nachrichten Ausbildungs Kompanie 17 Nbg
    20.4.1943 - 3.5.1943 - Marsch Bataillon z.b,V A.O.K 2/5
    4.5.1943 - 3.11.1943 - Stab I./Bataillon Grenadier Regiment 248
    4.11.1943 - Infanterie NNachrichten Ersatz und Ausbildungs Kompamie 46

    Grenadier Regiment 248 -

    Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    88. Infanterie Division -

    88.Infanterie-Division - Feldgrau

    Page 32 (Service deployments) -

    5.5.1943 - 3.11.1943 - Einsatz in Osten

    Page 34 (illness and injury) -

    He was killed in action on the 3rd of November 1943 whist as a member of Stab I Bataillon./Grenadier Regiment 248.


    There is no casualty card for Josef unfortunately.

    Kind regards,


  5. #4


    Thank you very much for all your prompt and detailed help again.
    Kind regards,

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