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Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon

Article about: Hi guys, Like some of you already know I´m conducting modern conflict archaeology research of a late Second World War-Cold War period (1944-1956) Soviet naval base in South Finland. During

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    Jan is online now

    Default Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon

    Hi guys,

    Like some of you already know I´m conducting modern conflict archaeology research of a late Second World War-Cold War period (1944-1956) Soviet naval base in South Finland. During our excavations and surveys of the area we have found several spoons with writing on them.

    Please could someone in this group could help me decipher the writing on this particular spoon. All help is welcome.


    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon   Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon  

    Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon   Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon  

    Cyrillic writing on a Soviet spoon  

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    Coud the first three words (if I guessed the second one right) mean: "Eat, impudent, more..." (do eat more, you impudent man)


    Last edited by Jan; 10-27-2024 at 07:11 PM.

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