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Russian naval officers buckle question

Article about: Can anyone tell me the branch or special rank on this Russian navy buckle? Best, Bill

  1. #1

    Default Russian naval officers buckle question

    Can anyone tell me the branch or special rank on this Russian navy buckle? Best, Bill
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Russian naval officers buckle question  

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  3. #2



    I believe this is an Admirals belt and buckle. Not 100% sure though. Soviet naval items have never been a strong suit of mine. Hopefully other Soviet collectors like Marcel Banziger will chime in. Only know Marcel through the forum but his knowledge on soviet items is incredible.


    Gerry C.


  4. #3


    Hi He162,
    I also believe it is a Parade Brocade Belt, Admiral, Navy.

  5. #4


    Unfortunately I am not familiar with naval belt buckles. So I can't help here. Just know that this is supposed to be a parade belt and buckle but whether it is original or not I don't know I'm afraid. One picture is a bit meager though for those who do can give opinions. Pretty sure a reverse is also important to see. Most likely Kommandir RKKA can help since he served in the Soviet navy.

  6. #5


    Thanks for the help. These may help. Best, Bill
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Russian naval officers buckle question   Russian naval officers buckle question  

    Russian naval officers buckle question  

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