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Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr

Article about: I have been looking for an early SS dienstdolch for a while and this seems to be a contender in my price range. The district mark looks like II but looking closer it looks like a light strik

  1. #1

    Default Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr

    I have been looking for an early SS dienstdolch for a while and this seems to be a contender in my price range.

    The district mark looks like II but looking closer it looks like a light strike first I making it a III Berlin. Any opinions would be helpful. Thanks in advance.


    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
    Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Would like opinion on an early Gottlieb Hammesfahr
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  3. #2


    All 3 district stamps are correct for this producer and the district stamp seen on the guard in your photo is a III for Berlin.

    Is this coming from Epic Artifacts?
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  4. #3


    Quote by Larry C View Post
    All 3 district stamps are correct for this producer and the district stamp seen on the guard in your photo is a III for Berlin.

    Is this coming from Epic Artifacts?

  5. #4


    That dagger has a painted scabbard which possibly could be period, but most likely is post-war done. That, together with the chunk out of the grip takes this one off the table for me. JMO...

  6. #5


    The grip is rough.

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