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Finnish SS-volunteers shield.

Article about: Hello. Is for sale as original Finnish SS-volunteers shield. Because,after my search in the web,have found only one and if I compare it to other in the internet,it looks similar but not same

  1. #1

    Default Finnish SS-volunteers shield.

    Is for sale as original Finnish SS-volunteers shield.
    Because,after my search in the web,have found only one and if
    I compare it to other in the internet,it looks similar but not same.
    Maybe some experts can proove the originality.
    Thanks,any opinion and comment is wellcome.

    Finnish SS-volunteers shield.
    Finnish SS-volunteers shield..

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Finnish SS-volunteers shield.
    Join Date

  3. #2


    I would pass on it.

    These printed versions were most likely worn by other German Para-military units and not the Waffen SS anyway.
    Had good advice? Saved money? Why not become a Gold Club Member, just hit the green "Join WRF Club" tab at the top of the page and help support the forum!

  4. #3


    I also had my doubts.
    Thank you very much, for your advice.
    Regards, Jannis.

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