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Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.

Article about: What a tedious and boring waste of time, really.

  1. #1

    Default Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.

    I do not really like to transmit this kind of thing, but someone here might be injured.

    Allgemeine SS officer visor - Wehrmacht-Awards.com Militaria Forums

    - - ------- - -

    The cap is originally from an acquaintance of mine, but his images have been hijacked by someone to the detriment of all. It was for sale on this site for awhile. It went on to other dealers, and now to Shea.
    The actual cap is for sale on the Shea site at the moment.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.
    Join Date

  3. #2


    Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.Here is the same cap with its rightful owner for sale, if you want it.

    HG-41c Allgemeine-SS Visor Cap

  4. #3


    Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.Who is Pawel Nowak? Does he even exist? Maybe his name is Stewart Peter? Or Peter Stewart?

    Who are any of these people?

    Some south west Asians stole the image of one of my caps and then took away the tarnish on the silver wire cords.... with their photo shop, the bastards....

    But maybe it was not a south west Asian, but a Tasmanian devil or a 98 year woman in Greenland...?

    Think of that.

  5. #4


    I have been reading threads about Pawel Nowak for 8-10 years on WAF. He usually is selling SS daggers he doesn't own. I guess he is now scamming people with SS headgear.
    Last edited by kirby; 07-29-2014 at 03:55 AM.

  6. #5


    Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.Fraud with black caps, a laugh a minute.
    Quote by kirby View Post
    I have been reading thread about Pawel Nowak for 8-10 years on WAF. He usually is selling SS daggers he doesn't own. I guess he is now scamming people with SS headgear.
    Thanks. I don't really pay attention to all the mayhem, as I have a very narrow focus. I used to read the threads on the other site in some vain attempt to make sense of them, but I usually gave up in frustration. I look there always with a sense of dread and impatience.

    Thanks for the data. Chaos and ruin.

  7. #6


    He is a low life F-B, well beneath the likes of even the lowest of fraudsters we typically encounter in this hobby.

  8. #7


    Quote by DougB View Post
    He is a low life F-B, well beneath the likes of even the lowest of fraudsters we typically encounter in this hobby.
    Ah ha. I should have looked here.

    Fake Dealer Back Pawel Nowak

  9. #8


    Quote by DougB View Post
    He is a low life F-B, well beneath the likes of even the lowest of fraudsters we typically encounter in this hobby.
    Thank you, you know my main effort is on the authentic items, and, though I have had some set backs, my dealings are generally more positive than not.
    As an old man, I prefer the direct human contact. Nor do I wear my heart on my sleeve, something that has gotten easier as I have mouldered and rotted with age.

    I see that this man is infamous. He fills shelves of the internet with his larceny. All too droll.
    Pfui. Well he took a swipe at us here and an item I boosted, so now my ox is rather gored.
    Last edited by Friedrich-Berthold; 07-29-2014 at 05:07 AM.

  10. #9


    Our pictures are being used throughout Craig's List to defraud. Imagine.
    The cap is now Shea's property, and he alerted Craig's List.

    Original Waffen SS (Allgemeine SS) Officer Visor Hat

    - - ------- - -


  11. #10


    Here is the contact data of this fraudulent seller on Craig's List. Send in the gendarmes.....

    preferred contact method:

    email or text

    contact name:


    contact by phone:

    ☎ 515-345-2345

    reply by email:


    webmail links:

    yahoo mail
    hotmail, outlook, live mail
    aol mail

    copy and paste into your email:
    Last edited by Friedrich-Berthold; 08-03-2014 at 04:03 PM.

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