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help in identifying ss clothing labels

Article about: Gentlemen your expertise is needed in aiding me in identifying a tailoring label and a stamp on a pair of riding breeches from my collection. they came with a service tunic that ihave for sa

  1. #1

    Default help in identifying ss clothing labels

    Gentlemen your expertise is needed in aiding me in identifying a tailoring label and a stamp on a pair of riding breeches from my collection. they came with a service tunic that ihave for sale.

    Thank you Old Tom U.S.N ret.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture help in identifying ss clothing labels  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement help in identifying ss clothing labels
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  3. #2

    Default Re: help in identifying ss clothing labels

    label looks to be a name type label,,,the stamp marking is a fake

  4. #3

    Default Re: help in identifying ss clothing labels

    Hi Tom, welcome to the forum!

    Robert is correct. The stamp is bogus. The name labels were private purchase items which you could get printed up to use in your kit. Some contained unit details, like Company and Regt etc. These continued to be made during the West German, post war era.

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #4

    Default Re: help in identifying ss clothing labels

    Ade i,m still a bit confused is the label the owners name or the makers name . Can you tell what the letters read.

    regards O.T

  6. #5

    Default Re: help in identifying ss clothing labels

    Hi Tom, it is the owners name. It reads "Koplin, Johs."

    Johs will be short for Johanes, his christian name.

    Cheers, Ade.

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