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Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry

Article about: I found this interesting photo on the Net, and I thought it should be shared here. It's of an early SS-Reitereinheiten Unit using WWI Lieb-Hussar pennants, I don't believe I'd ever seen or h

  1. #1
    CBH is offline

    Default Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry

    I found this interesting photo on the Net, and I thought it should be shared here.
    It's of an early SS-Reitereinheiten Unit using WWI Leib-Hussar pennants, I don't believe I'd ever seen or heard of this before.
    Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry
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  3. #2


    New stuff for me as well. Thanks for posting.

  4. #3


    Very nice, thanks. The arm badge in fact. No pennant, though....Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry

  5. #4


    You do want to distinguish, though, between Lieb and Leib.

    The word you want is the second.

  6. #5


    Quote by Friedrich-Berthold View Post
    Very nice, thanks. The arm badge in fact. No pennant, though....Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry
    One of those is on my list to keep an eye out for.

  7. #6


    Thanks Chris.

    Edited your post for your. The old English i before e mistake.
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  8. #7
    CBH is offline


    Thank you Adrian, spelling has never been my strong suit, German doubly so.
    I found it a fascinating image, with the WWI pennants in use and the very early helmets style.
    Very early in the epoch from the evidence shown, I'm glad you gentlemen liked it.

  9. #8


    Quote by Adrian Stevenson View Post
    Thanks Chris.

    Edited your post for your. The old English i before e mistake.
    Hurra. Liebe is always to be preferred to whatever else. And Liebe does concern the Leib, as well, surely.Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS CavalryLeib-Hussar pennants used by SS CavalryLeib-Hussar pennants used by SS CavalryLeib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry

  10. #9
    CBH is offline


    The Wheel of Fortune will rollover us all sooner or later, so stop and smell the flowers.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry   Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry  

    Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry   Leib-Hussar pennants used by SS Cavalry  

  11. #10


    Good advice Chris

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