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Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

Article about: Hi That is a great piece

  1. #1

    Default Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Hi Guys, I thought that I would share some pics with you of one of my favorite items from my collection.

    I bought this dagger back in the 1980's from a friend who's uncle brought it home in 1945. I only got to buy the dagger as my friend, Malcolm, was in dire need of money after falling foul of the Inland Revenue (The Tax Man) so I got the dagger for the same price as local dealer the late Mike Long offered him at the time, £450.

    British members of the forum may recall that there was a scandal in the late 1980's when it was discovered that a minor member of the British Royal family had an SS man as her father?

    Anyway, this alerted me to the exsistance of the SS Dienstalterlistes held by the IWM in London. I made an appointment to consult the archives and discovered that my dagger was originally owned by SS Standartenfuhrer Dr. Enno Lolling. He was a major War Criminal as he was head of the SS WVHA Amtsgruppe D-Konzentrationslager. This made him in charge of the entire Medical administration of the KL system. I have photocopies of his full SS service record from the Berlin document centre. Plus I obtained details of all his WW1 service in the Navy.

    Now checkout this site:

    Collections | Auschwitz through the lens of the SS: Photos of Nazi leadership at the camp

    On this site there are no less that ten photos of Dr Lolling! For 19 years I have been looking, without sucess, for photos of him. Until earlier last year I had only one, then with the kind help of a forum member I was sent another one. As you can imagine I am very excited to see all these new pics.

    I have included a brief summary of his life.

    SS-Standartenführer Dr. med Enno Lolling

    Born: 19.07.1888 in Köln.
    Suicide: 27.05.1945.

    NSDAP-Nr.: 4 691 483
    (Joined 1937)
    SS-Nr.: 179 765
    (Joined 1933)

    SS-Hauptsturmführer: 13.09.1936
    SS-Sturmbannführer: 20. 12. 1938
    SS-Obersturmbannführer: 1.09.1941
    SS-Standartenführer: 9.11.1943

    Joined the SS: 1933.

    Member of the Lebensborn Society.

    Joined the NSDAP: 1937.

    Lagerarzt (camp physician) at KL-Dachau: 1937 – 1941.

    Chef Amt D-III (Sanitätswesen und Lagerhygiene/ Sanitation and Camp Hygiene) / SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt, Oranienburg: 1942 – 1945.

    Decorations & Awards:
    1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse (Awarded Sept '39 while serving with SS Regt "Deutchsland")

    SS-Regiment „Deutschland“

    1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
    Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern
    Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
    Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
    Entry in Austria medal
    Entry in Czechoslovakia medal with Prague bar.
    Ehrendegen des RF SS
    Totenkopfring der SS

    * Religion: Protestant
    * Married with Two sons

    2. Dr Enno Lolling:
    Stabsarzt in Reichsmarine 00.00.1914 - 00.00.1918
    Arzt (civilian) in Mecklenburg 00.00.0000 - 00.00.1939
    Chef Amt D III in SS-WVHA 00.03.1942 - 08.05.1945 (end of war)

    He was morphinist, he drank very often alcohol. In first time Pohl and Glücks wanted disposed Lollimg from his Amt as Chef Amt D III .

    3. Here’s Lolling’s entry from the Rangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine dated 12 May 1914:

    Rank: Marine-Unterarzt (equivalent rank of Unteroffizier mit Portepee): 01.03.1913
    Date of Entry: 01.04.1908
    Station: Baltic Sea Naval Station
    Duty Location: Charité Berlin

    4. Some supplements to Lolling:
    Joined SS 1933, he was incompetent as a physician in special knowledges.
    Amtschef Amt D III (Sanitätswesen und Lagerhygiene) / SS-WVHA since 16.03.1942.
    He was the medical superintendent of all KZ.
    Ordered in May 1942 the killing of the captives being incaple for work. In Winter 1942 he also ordered the killing of all sick captives needing more than four weeks for recovering.
    For the experiments of Prof Karl Gebhardt with sulfonamid in the "Frauen-KZ Ravensbrück" (after the death of Heydrich, who sufferd from sepsis) beginning in summer 1942 he commanded for supporting the Standortarzt FKZ Ravensbrück, SS-Obersturmführer Gerhard Schiedlauski, and the two Lagerärzte SS-Untersturmführer Rudolf Rosenthal and Hertha Oberheuser to Gebhardt.
    Visited 29.09.1943 with Prof. Ernst Günther Schenck the department for spotted fever in Buchenwald.
    Suicided in Flensburg.
    5 1905 abitur Osten
    1905 kaiser wilhelm akademie fur das Militararztliche Ausbildungswesen
    1.3.13 Marine unterarzt
    2.8.1914 med staats examen
    nov 1914 promotion Dr Med in Kiel
    14/18 schiffsarzt then truppenarzt in Flandern
    18.8.1918 marinestabsarzt
    31.1.1919 released from army
    1919 MD in Neustrelitz Strelitz
    28.8.1933 SS 179 765
    1.5.37 Party member 4 691 483
    from 33 HJ Gefolgschaftsarzt
    1936 may training as Marinestabsarzt
    1936 june Hauptamtlicher Arzt in San abt SS VT
    1.11.37 Arzt in SS lazarett Munchen Dachau
    11.4 to 18.4.37 Rasse u Erbbiologischer Lehrgang (race and heredity biologie courses)
    1.12.39 next to Feldlazarett Totenkopf Division
    6.5.40 Lagerarzt KL Dachau
    12.2.41 einarbeitung zum Leitenden Arzt der KL Oranienburg kommandiert
    1.6.41 leitender arzt zur Inspektion der KL
    3.3.42 amtschef DIII
    deeply ill between 28.4.42 and 5.7.42
    27.5.45 Suicide in Reservelazarett Flensburg
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936   Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936  

    Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936   Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936  

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Named and researched Chained SS dagger

    A few more pics.

    For the dagger buffs, the chain is a type III.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936   Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936  

  4. #3

    Default Re: Named and researched Chained SS dagger

    His photo from his SS file.

    Be sure to see all the other pics via the link.

    One shown here courtsey of that site. Richard Baer and Karl Höcker look over a document with SS-Standartenführer Dr. Enno Lolling, the director of the Office for Sanitation and Hygiene in the Inspectorate of Concentration Camps.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936   Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936  

  5. #4

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Ade, again cracking thread mate, just sooo interesting, I would hate to think how much that is worth, but we have spoken about this one at Detling or was it Muckleburgh?

  6. #5

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Hi Ben, yes, it is the dagger I spoke to you about at Muckleburgh

    Cheers, Ade.

  7. #6

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Man what a great read and awesome piece of history , you could name your price for that dagger , but if your anything like me Ade , as i think you are when it comes to this stuff , its priceless and no amount of money could prize it from my grip , cheers mate Raymond

  8. #7

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Hi Raymond, yes, you are right It is something I would never part with.

    Cheers, Ade.

  9. #8

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936


    The Lolling dagger would be the centrepiece of anyones collection.

    It is unusual to see the initials etched next to the number which is a nice touch and rather uncommon.

    If I remember correctly, he was still featured on the Allied International War Crimes Wanted List in 1947, two years after he killed himself. I will have to check the list.


  10. #9

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Hi Raymond, indeed he was still on the 1947 "Wanted list".

    My latest line of research on him is to discover if he has a known grave. He is not listed on the German War Graves database.

    Cheers, Ade.

  11. #10

    Default re: Named and researched SS-Dienstdolch Modell 1936

    Hi Ade

    Now finding his grave is an interesting puzzle to solve for this year.

    According to my records there was only one SS officer with the surname Lolling, so perhaps we can assume it is an uncommon German name and thus theoretically easier to trace.

    Fascinating stuff.


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