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Salute to our moderators and members.

Article about: I was in Central Europe for three weeks, and I had the chance to meet Carl and ErWeSa in person. These persons do so much to make life here more enjoyable and productive and I salute them wi

  1. #1

    Default Salute to our moderators and members.

    I was in Central Europe for three weeks, and I had the chance to meet Carl and ErWeSa in person. These men do so much to make life here more
    enjoyable and productive and I salute them with great respect and affection. Salute to our moderators and members.
    Last edited by Friedrich-Berthold; 11-25-2016 at 02:46 AM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Salute to our moderators and members.
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  3. #2


    A stairway in the Vienna Academy of Art. How often AH passed this way is unknown to me, but had he studied art, maybe the world would have experienced a different fate. The question is an idle one, really.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Salute to our moderators and members.  

  4. #3


    Salute to our moderators and members.ErWeSa made me a nice cap patterned on the ex Mollo cap and from the Hempe diagrams and instructions.

    His artistic expertise is a wonder.

  5. #4


    I am not going to sell these as authentic, by the way, since I am not a dealer.

    You should pay him a fair wage to make you one. He has great skills, indeed.

    I sometimes wear his caps as a thinking cap when I am trying to answer politely the same question here as asked a thousand and fifty times.

  6. #5


    Very nice images F-B. For our American members I would like to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. I send my best regards to all readers.

  7. #6


    I am so jet lagged and over saturated with watching US news after an absence of three weeks, that the holiday passed me.
    I give thanks for the good people on this site and may the year to come proffer much good companionship and good fortune to all.

    Salute to our moderators and members.
    Last edited by Larry C; 11-25-2016 at 04:56 AM.

  8. #7
    CBH is offline


    Happy Thanks Giving my friend,

    Peace and Love to you and all my Ameeican friends.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Salute to our moderators and members.  

  9. #8
    MAP is offline


    Just fixing the picture FB.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Salute to our moderators and members.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  10. #9


    Salute to our moderators and members.Thank you. A scene from the army museum in the Arsenal in Vienna. (above)

    - - ------- - -

    Also Vienna, my favorite cafe. (here)

  11. #10


    Quote by Friedrich-Berthold View Post
    Also Vienna, my favorite cafe.
    How lucky we are that you share your experiences and knowledge with us.
    Salute to our moderators and members.

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